Chapter 5 || Jeffrey

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The date was November 22, 1990. It was a bright and sunny day. Bill was in Egypt and Charlie in Romania for work, and Percy and the twins were at Hogwarts. Molly had decided to take Ginny and Ron to visit great Aunt Muriel, leaving Jeffrey at home with the excuse of pressing work. It really was pressing-they had been working on countering the Muggle protection spell for more than a year now. They were almost there, but they still wouldn't get payment until it was certified by the Ministry, which would take months.

Jeffrey had gone over to the Lovegoods with his notepad, which is where he wrote down random ideas, and he was greeted at the door by little 9-year-old Luna, who had asked if Ginny could come over. Jeffrey explained to her that Ginny was unfortunately visiting their aunt. Jeffrey continued on to the lab, where Pandora was sitting on a stool sipping coffee. "Hello," she greeted him, "I've been waiting for you."

"Well, let's get to work," said Jeffrey, and they started going over data. Luna hopped up onto the stool and sat watching them.

It was a bit later when Pandora decided to test something out. "Now, get your wand," she instructed, "And touch the tip of my wand with your wand while saying 'Repello Muggletum Novis'. That will activate the spell, and then we'll test it on the abandoned Bon Worth from the seventies."

Grinning, Jeffrey raised his wand. This was it. They were finally going to solve it. He brought his wand closer until it touched Pandora's. She nodded, and he took a deep breath. "Repello Muggletum Novis!" they yelled.

There was a sudden explosion. The last thing Jeffrey remembers was the scream of Luna, the footsteps of Mr. Lovegood running downstairs, and the only thought in his head, "This isn't what's supposed to happen!"

It still seemed like a dream. Mr. Lovegood had run downstairs and grabbed Luna and pushed her out of the room. He had shakily walked over to his wife, afraid of what would greet him. He had come to her body, sprawled out on the floor, wand still in her hand, mouth still open from the spell, eyes still open in shock. He had backed away in shock, muttering," No, no."

He had run fearfully to Jeffrey's body, but only for the same results. He had run to the kitchen, and with a shaking hand had gotten parchment and a quill, and had written two hasty letters to each of the Weasley parents, "Come quick. Accident." He had sent the letters off.

The Weasleys had come soon, confused and frantic. Mr. Lovegood and Luna had both explained what they knew. The Weasleys had seen the bodies, and their hearts had broken.

Now it was the funeral. Bill and Charlie had come back from their work overseas, and the twins and Percy had come back from Hogwarts. Ginny felt like she was going to cry. She squeezed Luna's hand, as Luna was crying. They needed each other right now. As the funeral went on, all Ginny could do was look at Jeffrey and think about everything they had done together. He was the only one that had explained anything about quidditch to her; he wouldn't let her fly because it was too dangerous, but he had told her all about quidditch. He had been a chaser, which was what Ginny wanted to be if her brothers ever let her play. Ginny blinked. She felt tears in her eyes. Everyone at the funeral was heartbroken, but they would keep on going in life.

The Weasleys never spoke of Jeffrey again for 9 years, but he was always on their minds. The kids always felt heartbroken when strangers would say, "You have 5 or 6 brothers? Wow!" because they wanted to tell everyone that there had been seven boys, but they couldn't bring themselves to say anything. But he was always there in their mind.

The Lovegoods reacted differently. Not having a mother was a lot more noticeable than not having a brother, so they often had to explain what had happened. Mr. Lovegood went on with the Quibbler, but neither of them really took care of themselves. The funeral was also the last time they were with the Weasleys until Ginny and Luna attended Hogwarts. Whenever Ginny came to play, Mr. Lovegood would say that Luna was busy, every time, until one day, Ginny stopped coming. The Lovegoods thought that the Weasleys would never forgive them, and so they avoided the redheads. But Jeffrey and Pandora lived on in their hearts forever.

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