Chapter 2 || The Septuplets and Eve

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The septuplets were nothing but trouble. They all had different sleep patterns, so no one ever got any sleep, and as they got older, they got into mischief. It didn't help that Ginny had started feeling nauseous- but she couldn't be pregnant again. Finally, one day, Hermione made her take a pregnancy test.

She went through the same process of telling people as last time, and the pregnancy was like any other. That is, until her second check-up. Harry wasn't able to go with her, so she was all alone when she heard the news. "You only have a 15% chance of surviving this pregnancy," the muggle doctor said sadly.

"What?" Ginny asked, in shock.

"I'm sorry. You have a 15% chance of living after giving birth again, and only a 9% chance of living without an illness, or disability. To save your life, you would have to get rid of the baby. Again, I'm so sorry."

Ginny could only nod, taking deep breaths to calm herself down. "What's the gender of the baby?" she asked, as if it was just a normal check-up.


This would make it even harder to decide. She got up and left the building, barely aware of her surroundings. Who should she tell? What should she do? The part of her that was self-preservation was screaming 'Get rid of the baby!' But she knew, deep in her heart, that she couldn't do that. She decided to tell Harry tonight. She already knew what his answer would be, and she was prepared to fight it. Even though it pained her to think of Harry losing another loved one, she knew she had to keep the baby.

That night, Harry came home happy. "Hello, Ginny!" he cried, giving her a kiss on her cheek. "How was the check-up? Do we know the gender yet?"

"Hello to you too," Ginny responded. "The check-up was the same as always. You honestly didn't miss anything. But it is a girl."

"That's wonderful!" Harry exclaimed theatrically.

Ginny laughed, but then the children came running in. "Daddy!" "Dad!"

Harry chuckled as he was practically tackled to the ground by his oldest three children.

"Hey, boys!" he exclaimed. "Hi, Lilyflower," he said fondly, picking up the three-year-old and kissing her forehead. Ginny watched her family fondly. She'd be sad to leave them.

That night, she knew she had to tell Harry. To say he took the news badly was an understatement. "Ginny! No! I can't lose you! Please don't leave me! Please! Can't we get rid of the baby? Please!" He started crying.

"I'm sorry, Harry." Ginny had started crying as well. "But I'm going to have this baby.

Ginny and Harry didn't tell anyone except for Ron and Hermione. Understandably, they were shocked. Hermione burst into tears and the two women hugged, while Ron sat there, unresponsive. The two promised to not tell anyone, and left soon after.

Ginny then started planning the funeral. Harry protested, saying that she should somehow enjoy this last pregnancy and not dwell on her death, but Ginny was adamant, saying that she didn't want Harry to try and plan it in his grief. She started talking with her brothers more, seeing old friends like Demelza and Luna again, and just generally trying to make the most out of her last few months.

One night, Harry came home late from work to find Ginny on the couch, watching something on TV. "What's that?" he asked as he sat down next to her.

"My dad used to be obsessed with videoing things. We basically have everything from our childhood on video."

"When did he stop them?" Harry asked softly.

"After Jeffrey died," Ginny replied, even quieter than he had. "These videos are from before, when our family wasn't broken. He started making them when Bill was born. Mum hated it, but we loved it. Always making goofy faces at the camera, that sort of thing. I'm nearly to the... that day."

Harry pulled her into a hug, and they sat like that in silence, watching the videos from Ginny's childhood.

About a month passed. Then Ginny went into labor one evening. "Harry!" she cried out.

"Ginny! Oh, no," he groaned, realizing that this meant that she would soon no longer be with them. "Teddy! Watch the kids, we'll send someone over to watch them in the morning."

Luckily, Ginny was soon at the muggle hospital. The whole family came, and she took advantage of that, finding the chance to say goodbye to all of them one-on-one without them realizing it. The kids managed to get into the room too, and Ginny shared heartfelt goodbyes with each of them.

Finally, the baby came. "Harry," Ginny said softly.

"Yes, Ginny, what is it?" Harry asked, fighting back tears.

"Can one of her names be Anne, after my mother?"

"Of course," Harry said softly. "Ginevra Anne? Eve for short?"

"Harry," she groaned.

"Please, Gin," he begged.

She gave a surrendering nod, and then she was gone. The rest of the family had all found out by an hour later, and the sisters in-law and the kids had all left. Molly and Arthur were in Ginny's room, and it was only the Weasley boys, 12 year-old Addy, and Harry in the tiny room outside. "You knew, didn't you?" Charlie questioned Harry. "You knew she was going to DIE and you didn't stop her?!"

"I tried!" exclaimed Harry. "I tried but she insisted that we kept the baby!"

"And you never thought to tell us anything about it?!" pressed Bill.

The guys all started shouting at each other, blaming Harry for her death, and then the fists came. They started fighting, physically. Addy tried to calm them down, but they wouldn't stop. Suddenly, there was a cry of pain. Addy had fallen to the ground, clutching her lower forehead. Someone's wand had given her a cut on her right eyebrow. Before anything else could happen, Molly and Arthur came out of the room, and they all went home.

After the funeral, Harry quickly got an Auror assignment and left for Spain, leaving his 11 kids and 14 year-old Teddy, who lived with them, at The Burrow for Molly and Arthur to watch over. He promised that he would quit his job soon and be at home more, but he never did, and never was.

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