Chapter 4 || Adelaide

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Addy was a successful Auror, and was highly esteemed in that department. A few years after she graduated Hogwarts, she and Ryder got married. Of course, so did Vicky and Teddy. The two couples had fought on when to have their weddings. They both wanted it August 2nd, something that had been a tradition for the family. Jeffrey had been born on August 1st, and that's why Bill had both proposed and gotten married on that day. Percy had also unconsciously proposed on Bill's wedding day as well, and had gotten married on the 2nd of August, starting a tradition that Vicky and Addy both wanted to follow. Finally, they agreed on a joint wedding. Ally and Vicky's friend Lauren were the maids of honor, and Molly, Dominique, and Roxanne were the bridesmaids. The wedding was beautiful, and Molly, Fleur, and Sally-Anne cried during the whole thing.

During the reception, Ginny dragged Addy over to their brothers, forcing her to dance with them like Ginny had all those years ago. It was rather cute, and Addy felt closer to her brothers than she had in a long time. A few years after the wedding, Addy got pregnant. She had twins, something that hadn't happened in the family since Fred and George, and we all know how that turned out. She was rather worried, and was certainly what you would call a helicopter mom with Fred and Jeffrey.

As the years went by, everyone grew older. Mum and Dad started having problems, and all of the siblings tried to pitch in, but the truth was that they were getting older too. Addy watched her parents and then her siblings grow old, losing their sight, their hearing, and eventually their mind. They would babble about the war, talking to people who were long dead. When Dad died, Addy was heartbroken. When Mum died, Addy realized that she was getting old too. Fred and Jeffrey were now grown up, with wives, jobs, and kids. Another generation had grown up in the blink of an eye. Addy knew that one day, she would be gone. She was always waiting for that day, until it came.

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