Chapter 1 || The Septuplets

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Ginny took a deep breath as she stared at the pregnancy test. Positive. Her thoughts were interrupted by 1 year-old Lily's cries. "Mummy!" Albus yelled.

"Coming!" Ginny yelled back.

That night, Ginny told Harry that she was pregnant. He was overjoyed, and they agreed not to tell anyone for a little while. When they went to get an ultrasound, they were in for a surprise. The muggle nurse had informed them that Ginny was pregnant with septuplets, all of them boys. The two were shocked, to say the least. On the way home, they were mostly quiet. Ginny broke the silence. "Harry, I'd like to name them after my brothers."

"Of course," Harry said.

"I also don't want to tell them," she continued.

"You don't want them to know that you're pregnant?" Harry asked, shocked.

"No," Ginny said, laughing. "I don't want them to know that I'm pregnant with more than one kid. But we should still tell them that it's a boy."

"I agree. We'll tell them at dinner on Friday. That is, if we can tell them all together now."

Ginny laughed. She had had "battle plans" for telling her family that she was pregnant for the last three pregnancies. They would tell them brother by brother, and Ginny would warn her sisters-in-law in advance to calm her brothers. "I suppose it's safe now," she agreed.

That Friday night, as dinner was ending, Ginny took a deep breath. "Harry and I have an announcement to make!" she said loudly. "I'm 4 months pregnant with a boy."

Everyone started congratulating Harry and Ginny, even the boys. Later that night, Ginny started calling people. First she called Luna and told her about the pregnancy, even about the septuplets and their names, which Luna promised not to tell to anyone. Then she called each of her sister-in-laws and parents and told them about how it's really 7 boys and that they're going to be named after her brothers, which they swore to not tell anyone about. Finally, Harry called Lee Jordan and asked for an interview on Pottermore, which was now one of the most popular radio stations and the only place Harry would give interviews to besides the Quibbler. That's how the world found out that Ginny and Harry Potter were expecting another baby boy.

Finally, one day, the baby came. The family was waiting outside, and were anxious for news. After several hours, a doctor finally came out of the room. "Is the baby born yet?" Charlie asked, stopping the man.

"The first one's born, yes," he said, nodding.

"The first one?" Percy asked, confused.

Before the doctor could respond, the nurse called for him and he dashed back to the room. Finally the doctor came out. "Visitors can go in now," he informed them.

The sisters in-law shared smiles as they went into the room. Ginny was laying in bed holding two babies. Harry was standing beside her holding two more babies. "Quadruplets?!" Ron whisper-shouted.

Smiling, Ginny motioned towards the basinet. They went over to look and saw three more babies laying there. "How many boys and how many girls?" Bill asked.

Grinning slyly, Ginny sat up more. "Meet William, Charles, Jeffrey, Percival, Frederick, George, and Ronald."

There was a moment of silence, before the 5 boys' faces broke out in grins. Bill, always the sweetest brother, leaned over and kissed Ginny's forehead. "Are you sure?" George asked.

Ginny nodded. Then the babies were held by their uncles, and then their grandparents, aunts, and finally, Fleur left to go get the kids. They had all been dropped off at Luna's and the Potter kids and Addy left with Fleur to see the babies.

"Mummy!" Lily squealed, running to the bed. Everyone else except for Molly and Arthur had left to go home, but Molly and Arthur smiled fondly at their grandchildren as they ran to see their new siblings. After the kids had all held each of the babies, they decided to call it a night and go to sleep.

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