Chapter 1 || Ginny's Story

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( Ginny stated in the second chapter of the third story that her mother's name was Anne. I thought you might be confused, so I wrote this chapter.)

Molly Weasley nee Prewett had a little sister. Anne got married to a man named Abraham, a muggle. But Abraham wasn't just a muggle. He came from a galaxy far far away. He and his father, George, had been forced to flee. Abraham's last name was Lucas. Yes, George Lucas. George Lucas was the father of Anakin, married to Shmi. Abraham was a Jedi, but he had learned to control his powers a long time ago. The two escaped, and changed their last name to Lucas. Does that make sense?

Molly and Anne were very close, and were understandably very excited when Molly became pregnant with her seventh child around the same time as Anne started expecting her first baby. Their excitement over this bond heightened when they learned that they had both the same due date and were both expecting a girl. They started planning outfits, decorating nurseries, convinced that the girls would be best friends.

Anne's baby came around 11 p.m on August 10, 1981. The happy parents soon discovered that not only was she a witch, she also had the Force in her, and when she started crying, it sounded musical, and animals started flying and crawling in to gather around her. But the little family had less than an hour together before disaster struck.

Rogue Death Eaters snuck in and set fire to the house. No one knew until it was all over. Kingsley was sent to check on the house. At first, all he could see was scorched rubble. And then he heard the cry. It was the cry of a baby. He scooped up the tiny human and went quickly to the Weasleys.

Molly herself had gone into labor, and at 1:00 am on August 11, 1981, gave birth to a beautiful baby girl. But something was wrong with her. She died in her mother's arms at 1:05 am. Molly and Arthur were heartbroken, but before they could let it show, there was a knock on the door. Arthur came back into the room with a tiny little baby girl in his arms. "Anne's girl survived," he whispered.

Molly burst into tears and started cradling the girl. "We'll name her Ginevra. We'll raise her as our own. The boys won't need to know," she whispered, looking up at Arthur.

"Molly...," he said tentatively. He was about to argue, but quickly succumbed. "Alright. But to make it more believable, she'll take your name as her middle name."

Molly nodded, looking back down at the baby girl. "Ginevra Anne... Weasley."

Arthur nodded, smiling. "Also, Kingsley mentioned that she inherited some of her father's powers, maybe more than that."

Molly nodded. "Abraham mentioned a mentor once-Yoda. Maybe we could contact him. He could train her."

Yoda did train Ginny over holograms. They exercised her powers, and discovered that when she sang, she could control animals with her mind. If she focused really hard, she could also do telepathy. She spent her childhood in fear of someone discovering her secret, and she told no one. By the time she went to Hogwarts, she was a fully trained Jedi Knight, telepathic, and animal-controller.

At Hogwarts, too, she lived with her secret, only Dumbledore, Kingsley, Arthur, Molly, and herself knowing. One of the best things she did in her life was not tell Tom her secret, as that would be catastrophic.

One day, when she was 18, she told the whole family. They were certainly shocked, but thankfully, their relationships were not altered too much. Ginny had never met her grandfather, and honestly didn't want to. He didn't know she was even alive, and he lived all the way in America. That wasn't to say that she didn't regret it when she read, decades later, that he died. But she had passed on her powers to her children, and died knowing that the Skywalker blood would continue for generations.

(Hey, guys! This is my last AU, at least, that's what I'm telling myself 😂. I hope you enjoyed my stories! I will be working on a story about Downton Abbey, which you may be interested in, but I don't think that the two fandoms intertwine much. Nevertheless, I have two other HP books out. Have a great day! :)

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