Chapter 11 - Losing Control

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Dantes growled as he lowered himself, ready to launch forward towards their assailants. His eyes faded to a deep red glow, his skin turned white, and fangs grew from his mouth as his demonic side began to take over. The only thing not completely demonic about him was the pitch black wings speckled in gold that ripped through the flesh of his back, although even the colors would lead one to think of a more forbidding side.

Dewdrop could tell from the look on his face that he was attempting to control his powers, to not let them get so out of hand that they completely took over his very being. It was a fine line to walk, and one she knew he had walked many times in the past. It still worried her though because if he lost control there would be nothing she could do to stop him. Her life would come to an end, and by giving in fully to his demonic abilities he'd likely lose his immortality. There was no telling if he'd be a match against the Waheelas and Wendigo in that state, but the odds definitely wouldn't be in his favor. Either way, he'd lose his life or lose his soul.

She watched in horror as he launched himself at the closest Waheela. They collided with such force that they were engulfed in a cloud of dirt and debris. The other two Waheelas stopped in their tracks, taken by surprise at Dantes impulsive attack. It wasn't something they were use to seeing. Usually their victims screamed and ran the other way in fear, making them easy prey. Animals or not, the Waheelas were smart enough to recognize that their victim was someone, or something, out of the ordinary.

The sounds of the vicious fight echoed from within the cloud of dirt. At first, they were the screams of Dantes in pain and anguish. Every so often the Waheela he was battling would let out an ear piercing yelp of its own. If the battle was being decided by sounds alone, then Dantes was on the losing end. The two Waheelas looked to one another as if deciding whether or not to join in the fight.

Before they could determine a plan of action, the sounds of combat began to die down. A bloodcurdling wail rang through the air and then all was silent. Dewdrop looked on in fear as she waited for the dust to settle. Through the settling debris a slight shadow appeared, and slowly loomed larger until Dantes staggered out.

His clothes were shredded to almost nothing, revealing an almost skeletal like frame that was covered in blood and deep wounds. One of the wings upon his back was torn almost in half, and hung at an odd angle. His arm wrapped across his chest, tightly clutching his right shoulder. But something wasn't right. That's when she noticed his arm beneath his right shoulder was missing, torn off and dripping with blood.

He teetered forward several more steps before collapsing onto the ground, his wings flopping on top of him and encasing his body. Dewdrop watched in shock as his back rose and fell in shallow breaths before finally going still. Her first instinct was to run to him, although the Waheelas that were now eyeing her caused her to hesitate.

They took several steps forward, their mouths salivating at the thought of what she would taste like. The smoke of the ended battle billowed behind them and then slowly started to dissipate. In its wake laid the third Waheela. Its body was unmoving, and various chunks of flesh and limbs had been torn apart from its main torso. It hadn't survived, contrary to what it appeared the other two Waheela had presumed.

Neither were they aware of Dantes immortality, whose body was slowly healing itself upon the ground behind them. If it hadn't been for the howls of the now enraged Wendigo, they wouldn't have noticed Dantes steadily rising to his feet, his wounds almost completely healed, including his missing arm.

The remaining Waheelas turned and lurched back in surprise just as Dantes once again threw himself into the fray. His hands wrapped tightly around the necks of both, and lifted them from the ground. They struggled to yelp in pain as they dangled in the air before being tossed back towards their Wendigo master who roared once again in outrage. It didn't take long for the Waheelas to scramble back to their feet, their fangs bared and ready for another round.

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