Chapter 5.

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"Alright, Houston! I'm gonna need this place to open up!" Vic screams into the mic. Many fans seemed puzzled, mostly the smaller ones of course. "Tony! Tony!" They screamed over and over.

"Hail Mary. Forgive Me. Blood for Blood. Hearts beating. Come at me. Now this is war!" Vic screams. "Fuck with this new beat!" I yell into the mic. The whole crowd jumps and I jump off my platform into the space between the barricade and stage.

I jump onto the step on the barricade and a girl holds my hand. I look into her eyes and she completely looses it. Grabbing her phone and begins to record. "Tony!" She screams.

I smile, because I feel loved. I feel important.

"Houston! You were amazing! See you again soon!" Vic yells into the mic. I hand the girl my pick as I let go of her hand. Putting my fist in the air. I jump back onstage and grab all my picks from my mic and throw them one by one in the crowd.

I get off stage and wipe my face from all the sweat. Seeing Yasmin smiling at me. I walk up to her and she hugs me, putting her head onto my chest. "You don't mind the sweat?" I giggle.

She shakes her head and her teeth peak out just a little. Something that rarely happens. "You did great, you ready to go home and rest? Or do you guys have plans?" She asks. 

"Well actually, the guys wanted to go out to downtown for a little bit, before we crashed at your place for the night. The guys flight is at seven in the morning tomorrow." I reply. The screams of the crowd soon dissipates and we go out through the back entrance.

"Tony! Can we take a picture?" A girl yells. I look down at Yasmin and she smiles to me. Basically giving me permission.

"Hey guys, I can't take too lon-"

"Can Yasmin get in too??" She asks me. I look at Yasmin and she nods. She's never been asked to take a picture, she's always asked to take the picture. 

"Sure!" She squeals. "Okay, one. two. three." The flash burns my eyes, but I keep smiling. "Thank you so much! I love you guys so much!" She begins to tear up. I hug her and she holds onto me. Yasmin is left with hugging her as well. "Hope to see you again!" I wave at them before leaving with Yasmin under my arm.

"Last one to the bus sleeps on the couch." Yasmin yells as she starts to run. They all take off running and I don't even bother to rush. Because I'm sleeping in Yasmin's room anyways.

"Tony!!" I hear girls scream. I look to myself and see them waving at me. I smile and wave back, as I continue walking. Guilt overthrows me and I stop, walking towards them.

"Oh my gosh hi!!!" She smiles.

"You guys did awesome! This is my seventh time seeing you guys on this tour.!" She smiles at me. I look into her eyes and try to recognize her face. "C-Caroline? Right?" I ask.

"Yes, sir!" She giggles. Sir. That. I'm not too familiar with.  Never been called sir. It feels nice. "That's really cool! I saw those pictures that you took at the Austin date! They were awesome. I showed the rest of the guys and I showed Yasmin and she loved them! I know this is last minute, but do you think you'd like to take some photos on our next US tour?" I ask.

"The one in November??" She asks. I nod and smile. "Oh my gosh!!! Yes!!! It'd be so cool to work with you guys and Yasmin!" She freaks out. "Alright, just message me on twitter and I'll talk to the guys about it." I smile.

"Thank you so much!" She hugs me tightly. I chuckle and hug her back.

"Can you sign this for me? It's for my first tattoo! Those lyrics." She points at it with a sharpie. I write out the words and smile.

"It was great meeting you guys again!" I wave at them as I hand Caroline her journal back. "Thank you so much tony!"

I walk away and head towards the bus. She's been a fan since A Flair For The Dramatic. We're the same age and born just hours a part. "Lets go Toner Boner!" I hear Jaime yell. I jog to the bus and when I get on, Yasmin is looking at me with a not-so-impressed-face.

"What?" I ask. "What took you so long?" She asks. "I was saying hi to a fan." I frown before setting my bag down on the floor.

"Oh, your precious Caroline?" She asks. I roll my eyes and the guys walk away in awkwardness back to their bunks. I begin to walk to my bunk as Yasmin gets in my way.

"What's wrong with you?" I ask.

"This is like the tenth show that you stay long after the show to talk to that girl! Do you like her or something?" She frowns at me.

"You really think I'd like a fan? Yasmin, I don't know what's gotten into you lately, but whatever your problem is, it needs to go away. I don't like her like you say i do. Stop making me look like the bad guy!" I yell.

She keeps a stern face as she stomps away to the back lounge. Slamming the door behind her, it's followed with crying. Moments later, Mike walks out. "Alcoholic bitch is crying?" I hear Jessica mutter.

"Don't even bring yourself into this." I mutter before going to my bunk and laying down. "Tony." I hear Mike whisper. I open my curtain and see his face full of tears.

"Go talk to her." He cries quietly.

"She needs it." He adds.

I slowly get out of my bunk and stretch my arms before walking to the lounge. Seeing Yasmin crying on the bed. With her face towards the bed. "Yasmin?" I whisper.

Her cries stop for a second and she looks up. "I'm sorry about what I said."  I add.

"Look I'm sorry.  I didn't mean it. It's just.. you just... Look. You frustrate me when you say things like that. It makes me upset that you would think like that. I would never fall in love with her. Because I'm already in love with you. You're too perfect to let go like nothing. You're too important to me. I wouldn't ever imagine losing you. I'm so sorry if I made you feel bad." I whisper. I sit down on the bed beside her and I pull her towards me.

"It's just.. I started off as just a fan."

How To Love The Unloved // t.pWhere stories live. Discover now