Chapter 14.

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Four Months Later

"Breakfast!" Tony yells. I stand from my bed and begin to walk down the stairs. He jumps up to me and puts his arms around me, helping me down the rest of the way.

"Smells good." I sit down and look at him. He smiles and nods. "Let's eat." He sets a plate in front of me. I feel my mouth getting watery.

After we eat, Tony and I lay in bed. Watching the beach in front of our house, my head rests on his chest and his arms wrapped around my body.

I've gotten so big, that I can barely walk. I'm worried because I'm only six months in the pregnancy. I'm seven months tomorrow. "We're going to do something today." Tony sighs. I look at him and laugh.

Honestly, I'm not too happy with him. I wanted a baby shower, but he insisted other wise. He didn't want to waste money on it, but he's never like that. Especially for me, and considering the baby, he wouldn't say no.

"What's today?" Tony asks. He picks up my hand and looks at my ring. The one he proposed to me with. "Friday.. the fourth."  I kiss his cheek.

"That makes it ten months till we get married and tomorrow.. three months till the baby is here." He whispers.

"So, I was thinking.. that we head to Houston tomorrow to visit your family." Tony looks down at me. His feet rub on my legs and I shiver. "Yeah, that'd be nice. It's been a while since I saw him." I smile.

"Want to go for a walk? Down the beach. It's fresh today." His fingers rub my knuckles. I groan and turn a little.

I feel the baby kick and I groan.

"See, that's a sign that we need to go for a walk." Tony giggles. He moves his hand to my belly and he rubs circles on it.

"Can we just take a nap?" I pout. He shakes his head and sits up. "We have to get some exercise on these last few months." Tony gets up from bed.

Once he gets me up from the bed, we get out to the beach and walk for what seems like hours. What those hours consisted of was Tony talking about future with the baby and the band and tour and so many other things that just cluttered my mind.

Honestly, I don't think I want Tony to be on tour while the baby is getting bigger. I want him to be in his everyday life, but we'll cross that bridge when we get to it. 

"Let's sit down." Tony grabs a blanket from the bag and sets it down on the floor. The wind blows my hair back and I love it.

As a kid, I always dreamed of living on the beach and now, I love the fact that I'll be raising my kid on it.

We get home almost an hour later and when we get there, I immediately get in the shower. "Babe! I need help taking off my clothes!" I yell.

After I turned five months, I basically haven't been able to do anything by myself. Usually when Tony helps me shower, it ends a lot different.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 14, 2017 ⏰

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