Chapter 12.

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By the end of the night, the only one of us left is the Jaime, Vic, Mike.. and their girls of course. "Tonight was wonderful, babe. Thank you." Yasmin lays her head on my chest. I smile and kiss her cheek.

"Anything for my darling." I whisper. The song finally ends and Yasmin leads me to our table. Where the rest of the guys are. They're all beyond drunk obviously.

"Let's get these guys in the limo and to the house.." I groan. Only to realize that our limo wasn't even here. "Tone?" Yasmin trails off. I nod and sigh.

"Yeah I know.. we'll just call a cab or something." I shake my head and laugh. As we waited for someone to pick us up, we starred off to the beach.

"Yasmin?" I whisper. Her head perks up and her eyes catch mine. Nodding, she smiles and wraps her arms around my neck.

"Let's go away.. for a few months.. rent a van, travel the country, meet new friends, go to house parties, do illegal things. Forget about everything else and just do us.." I trail off.

She looks into my eyes and she bites her lip.

"Who's gonna pay the bills Tony? Who's going to stay with my dad while he slowly dies? Look I know you want to be like those couples in the movies and be those lucky people, but face it. We aren't those people. We don't have that easy life."

I feel my heart die just a little and I nod.

"Look, I love you to the ends of this earth, but we have to put that on hold for just a little. We can look into it, but it's very unlikely." She kisses my cheek. I nod and grab her hand.

Once we get home I go straight to bed, while Yasmin stays outside with the girls. A strong burning sensation grows in my stomach and as I run over to the bathroom, I begin to cough.

I grunt and throw up. "You alright, bud?" Mike's drunken voice rings in my ears. I look up and nod. "Holy shit dude, your face is red." He laughs. I roll my eyes and stand.

After a few hours, Yasmin finally comes to bed, but by that time it's already sunrise. Some talk I guess. "Tony?" She whispers. I hear a nasal tone in her voice and I turn her around towards me.

Her eyes are red and puffy.. I can tell she's been crying. "What's wrong?" I frown. She begins to cry and I bring her head towards my chest and stroke her head.

"I heard you talking to Mike about not wanting kids.. do you really mean that?" She sobs. My eyes widen and I look into her eyes.

"Baby.. why would you assume I don't want kids? I was talking about what Jaime told me." I kiss her forehead and hold her tight.

"Tony." She calms down. She's silent for a few moments. I don't rush or question her at all. Once she takes a deep breath. She looks at me and bites her lip to hide a smile I presume.

"I'm pregnant." She wipes away her tears and sits up on the bed. I get up along with her and smile. I can't wipe it off my face.

"Are you serious?" I yell. She smiles and nods as she chuckles. "I'm going to be a dad?" I feel my heart beat faster and faster.

She crawls on her knees towards me and I take in her body. Hugging her tightly. I wrap my arms around her waist and kiss her lips. I feel a heavy part of me let go. That's how I've always seen life.

Once I started high school, a huge weight was taken from me.

When the band first took off, a bigger weight was set aside.

When I met Yasmin, an even bigger weight was taken off of me.

But now.. I'm going to be a dad.

And I feel weightless.

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