Chapter 1

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Today was my first day of junior high. I was excited yet, nervous. I locked my door and slowly made my way up to school.

I have recently been transferred to some new school because of my grades. Honestly I thought all my teachers were stupid and just couldn't keep up with me.

I walked into school to be greeted by a bunch of kids pushing into me. They all seemed in a hurry, except one.

The girl was rather small, she had light blue hair and her eyes were the same colour. The was ghostly pale. She walked slowly into school, not being fazed by any of the other students.

I stared at the girl until I was pulled out of my thoughts. "Hey, are you okay." I heard a girl say. I looked at her and then looked back to where the small girl was, but she was gone. "Yeah, I'm fine"

I looked up at the girl I was talking to. She had long blonde hair and small blue eyes. "Good. Sorry about everyone, they're like animals in the morning." She said with a small giggle. "I'm Nakamura, and you are?" She asked. "I'm Karma.".

Nakamura was in my class so we walked together. When we finally arrived we were greeted by a bunch of students, all excited to see me, except one.

It was the same girl as earlier. She was looking out the window. She looked so lost in her thoughts. Then a man, who's had black hair came in. "Goodmorning children, everyone take their seats, except the new kid." He said and everyone sat down except me.

"Are you the teacher?" I asked him. He looked at me and nodded. "Yes I'm Koro-Sensei," he whispered back but then started to raise his voice. "Akabane would you like to introduce yourself?" He asked which seemed more of a order. I nodded and for the first time the small girl stopped looking out the window.

"Hello I'm Karma Akabane, but you can all call me Karma, and from today on I will be joining this class." I announced, not really knowing what to say. "Okay, Karma could you go and sit on the spare seat at the back for me." He said pointing at a spare seat in the back. I walked over and sat down. The seat was right next to the girl.

She then looked back out the window. Koro-Sensei started the lesson but she payed no interest. She just stared outside the window.

I wanted to ask her what she was looking at, but for some reason I didn't have enough courage to ask her. Suddenly the bell went off.

Everyone, including me stood up and started walking out, except her. Maybe she was just quiet or didn't like spending time with others. I walked out only to be stopped by someone grabbing my sleeve.

I spun around to be faced with a girl with glasses and purpleish-blackish hair. "H-hello." She said. I looked at her and replied back with a simple hi.

She looked at me. "I don't think you have anyone to sit with, because your new and all. I was wondering if you would like to sit with me and some of my friends." She asked.

I thought for a bit. "Sure, why not. So, what's your name?" I asked. She looked at me and spoke. "O-Okuda." She stated as we started walking down the hall.

We made small chat until we came outside. Waiting for us was Nakamura, someone with orange hair, a small, green haired girl and a boy with white hair.

"Ahh, Karma, these are my friends, Nakamura, Asano, Kayano and Itona." She said with a small smile. "Karma's new so he will be joining us!" She exclaimed. Everyone was okay with me and we walked to a bench that no one was sat at.

I was talking to Asano when I turned to see Sky walk out of school. Sky is what I called the girl because I didn't know her name and her eyes looked like the clear blue sky.

No one seemed to notice her as she walked to s cherry blossom tree. She sat down under it and played with the petals. Then I realised that she was wearing jeans instead of a skirt.

Why wasn't she wearing the girls uniform? Whatever, it was none of my business. I stared at her. She was so cute. So beautiful under the tree as the cherry blossoms fluttered around her.

What was I thinking? I don't even know the girl I shouldn't be thinking like this. I was pulled out my thoughts when the bell rang.

Everyone hurried to their class, except Sky. She looked like she didn't care about school. She was lost in her own little dream world.

I walked into class just to see Sky sitting at her desk. HOW DID SHE GET THERE? SHES WAS OUTSIDE? DOES SHE KNOW A SHORTCUT OR SOMETHING? I walked to my desk, hopefully looking normal, but on the inside I was freaking out.


I was freaking out all lesson trying to think of possible reasons how she got out before me.

It was lunch and I was sitting with my new friends. Sky didn't seem to be in the cafeteria. I wondered why. I don't know why I thought of her so much.

She was so mysterious. She never talked to anyone and no one talked to her. Lunch ended and I walked into class. She was just sitting there. Maybe she ate lunch in the classroom. We had our usual lessons and then it was time to go. Sky left with everyone else but when she came out she walked up a hill no one else walked up.

I should have talked to her. Ask her who she was but I didn't. I spent most of the night thinking of her. Why couldn't I get her out of my mind?

Thank you for reading this chapter. It is my first wattpad story so sorry if it was a little bad. I was about to give spoilers but I didn't. Anyways hoped you enjoyed and I hope you read my next chapter!
Byeeee~ Bellz 💌

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