Chapter 4

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I didn't sleep a wink last night. How could I? What if I could actually see ghosts? I hated the idea of Nagisa being a ghost. He looked full of life yesterday, yet he's dead? I don't believe so.

But what if he is? I liked hanging out with him. He looked so happy. I don't want him to be dead.

There was 1 main question if I do find out Nagisa is a ghost.

How did he die?

I could look it up on the internet, but I want to ask him face to face.

While walking to school a note fell from the sky. I read it and now a hundred more questions whizzed through my mind.

"If you want your questions answered then come to the park. No ones here so we should be able to talk without you getting weird stares.

I read the note twice then started sprinting to the park.

I finally made it and was looking for Nagisa. He was sat on a bench, hugging himself even though it was summer.

"H-hey Nagisa." I shouted, running towards where he was sitting.

He shivered and looked at me. He was looking more pale than ever.

"Are y-you okay?" I asked taking my jacket off as it was getting warm. "Y-yeah just a bit cold." He said. Even though it was summer he was cold? Odd, but I didn't want him to get to cold.

I wrapped my jacket around the smaller boy. He stopped hugging himself and looked at me with confusion and shock, but quickly smiled gratefully.

" want me to answer your questions, don't you?" He said, leaning back on the bench.

"Y-yeah. I have a few questions." I whispered. My throat felt so tight and dry.

I looked up to him. The question couldn't escape my mouth. I didn't want to ask him. I just sat there, staring at him.

"Karma I know what you want to ask. You want to ask if I'm dead. To answer your question yes I am. I'm a ghost.." he whispered smiling weakly at me.

I looked at him shocked. Was that even possible? Then how did he die? Will, I'm here to ask questions, so why don't I ask that.

"Nagisa...How did you die?" I asked. Nagisa looked shocked and really...sad.

"I-I erm I it was..." He couldn't get the words out. The next thing I know is he's crying. His tears ran down his cheeks.

"Nagisa....I'm sorry for asking." I apologised, pulling him into a hug.

He was as cold as ice, but that was usually as he isn't alive. Now that I was actually hugging him I could actually feel how small he really is.

We stayed like that for a few minutes until I pulled away. Nagisa wiped his eyes. You could tell that he has been crying but he smiled anyways.

"Sorry about that Karma. It's just I'm still a bit...touchy on that subject. If you really want to know though, I can tell you." He said.

I didn't want to make him do anything he wasn't comfortable with. It was his death. I don't want to make him upset over a question.

"No Nagisa, it's okay I promise. You can tell me whenever you want. Don't feel like you need to force yourself to tell me." I said. He smiled at me gratefully.

"Thank you." He whispered.

"C'mon Nagisa. Come and hang out with me for the day. It will be fun, I promise." I said, standing up.

He nodded and got up. "Where should we go?" Nagisa asked. "I don't know. Want to get some icecream?" I asked. He quickly shook his head.

"It's way to cold for icecream Karma, what are you thinking?" Nagisa said. "'s summer." I reminded him. "Yeah, and I'm cold." He hissed.

Well, it was true the cold bit. "Oh yeah Karma I almost forgot. Here's you jacket." He said taking the jacket off and handing it to me.

"No Nagisa your cold. Wear it today. It will be fine a promise." I smiled at him. He looked uncertain at first, but then quickly put it in.

The jacket was way to big for him. He sleeves were so big. "Hey Nagisa, won't people be suspicious if there's a floating jacket?" I asked starting to walk with Nagisa.

"No. They won't be able to see the jacket. If a ghost touches something it's invisible until the Thoth lets go of it. The only thing this doesn't work on humans." He said.

"Does it just do it naturally?" I asked, probably sounding dumb to Nagisa.

"Yeah, but you can also stop it from happening if I really wanted to." He told me.

That was a little confusing but I nodded anyways. Nagisa was quietly following in me. I decided that we going to go to my house.

We walked to the train station. I stepped onto the train and so did Nagisa. We sat down it was pretty quiet but that was because everyone was at work or school.

Nagisa looked like he was about to fall asleep, and I was right. He rested on my shoulder. I don't know why, but my cheeks suddenly felt warm.

The train stopped and I woke Nagisa up. We walked off the train and began walking to my house. Nagisa looked confused.

We arrived at mine and Nagisas mouth dropped. I'm not surprised though. My house was much bigger that the normal house. He stepped forward a bit and stared at me.

"Is this your house?" He was clearly in shock. "Yeah it is. Nice, isn't it?" He nodded in response. "Wow, Karma you must be rich." Nagisa exclaimed. "Yeah I guess. So, should we go inside?" He just nodded back. We walked to the front door.

I got my keys and unlocked it. I heard Nagisa gasp again. The inside was huge.

"Do you want to play Video games?" I asked. "Yeah!" He said.

This chapter was so bad oh lord I'm sorry. Also I had a writers block for a bit (;_____;) Anyways hope you enjoyed the chapter. If you did vote I guess. Idk anyways bye.

Ghost- A KarmaxNagisa fanfic. (Discontinued)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora