Chapter 8

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I try and go back to sleep after that nightmare. It took a while but I finally fell asleep. It was a short one as it was near the time I woke up.

When I did wake up Nagisa was no longer next to me. I wondered if he had all ready got up but when I went searching through the house he was no where to be seen.

As I gave up looking for Nagisa, I decided to go and make myself breakfast before getting dressed. It was a simple breakfast with cereal and a drink of orange juice.

After finishing my small breakfast I want up stairs to get dressed. I started running up the stairs only to stop.

Memories of the nightmare I had last night came back to me. The boy, the road, the car. Everything from the memory came back to me.

It reminded me of something familiar I heard. Wait I remember, it was Nagisas death. So, why in the world did I have a nightmare of it?

It confused me. I decided to have a search on the internet after I got dressed and ready. I should have a bit of time to spare so I should be alright.

I got ready for school. I ran down the stairs to the computer. It was a pretty new computer. I searched on the internet,

"Nagisa Shiotas death."

It came up with a lot of news articles and a few photos of Nagisa and the incident. I clicked on the most real looking one. It looked to be taken out of a news article.

"Boy dies after playing near roads!"

"15 year old Nagisa Shiota died yesterday after being hit by a car. The teenage boy seemed to be messing around when his friend tripped. As his friend got up a car was coming towards him. In fear for his friends life Nagisa pushed him saving his friends life but ending his. Nagisa Shiotas friend, Karma Akabane, has no memory of the event or his dear friend that has sadly passed away"

My eyes widened at the last bit. I couldn't stop reading it. This had to be fake. There's no way this could be real.
"Karma Akabane"
"Karma Akabane"
Karma Akabane"
This couldn't be real. I can't believe this. Was I really the one Nagisa saved. The nightmare last night, was that just a flashback.

I couldn't believe any of this. I needed to calm down. How am I...? I'm just so confused. How is this possible? I always felt like I knew Nagisa for a long time, but I didn't think that I was the boy he saved.

I checked the time. It was almost time for school yet I haven't even left my house yet. I went to the kitchen to get myself to calm down. I was freaking out not knowing what to do. Should I ask Nagisa?

"Hey Karma!" I spun around only to be met with a adorable smile. W-wait adorable, what am I thinking about?!

"O-oh hey Nagisa." I said, turning back round to get my glass of water. "Something wrong, you seem confused." Nagisa asked. "N-no, I'm not alright." I said, being direct with him.

"Why, what's wrong" Nagisa face turned into worry. Why was he so worried about me? Will, he might of known me for ages.

"Nagisa, you know about your...accident." I asked, knowing that it was a touchy memory for him. "Yes..what about it?" He asked, sorta scared. Maybe he didn't want me to find out.

"Will I had a nightmare about it last night. I fought it was similar so I looked it up..." I looked at him. Tears were forming into his soft blue eyes. "I found out Nagisa. I know I was the friend you saved."

Tears fell down Nagisas cheeks. I walked up to him, but he backed up into a wall. "Nagisa..." I started but was cut off by Nagisa saying a soft sorry. He disappeared.

I tried to find him, but their was no trace that he was here. I looked at the time. School had already started and I haven't even left yet. "Nagisa...?" I shouted only to be met with nothing.

I ran out my house, not to go to school but to look for Nagisa. I didn't even know where I was going, I just needed to find Nagisa. Why did I ask him? I knew this was a touchy thing for him.

I felt so bad. All the memories that we had together before he died slowly came back to me. We really did know each other before all of this. Then I spot something blue. There was no mistake who it was.

I ran up and hugged the small boy. I could hear his little cries. He hugged me back. He muttered words like "I'm sorry Karma," and "It's all my fault." I didn't know what to do.

"I'm so sorry Karma, I should of told you." He whispered to me, sobbing quietly. "It's okay, I forgive you." I said.

"I-I have something to tell you!"
"And what's is it?"
"I have been feeling this before the whole accident."
"What are you talking about Nagisa?"
"K-Karma, I LOVE YOU!"
I didn't know what to say. Suddenly...
Nagisa kissed me!

Idk what to put here tbh. I like the chapter. It's good. Nagisa confessed to Karma. They kissed. Please vote even know idk what they do. Okay, bye!

Ghost- A KarmaxNagisa fanfic. (Discontinued)Where stories live. Discover now