Chapter 5

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We was having so much fun. I almost forgot he wasn't human, but it lingered in the back of my mind. The questions that I was gonna ask before have completely disappeared.

" you hate me?" He asked after we finished playing our game. "What? No, why would I?" I asked a little shocked from his question.

"Well, I didn't tell you I wasn't human. I feel like I've lied to you even though I never said I was human." He said. I looked at him. I could tell he was holding back tears.

I embraced the small boy into a hug, making him gasp. He didn't hug me back at first, but after a while he wrapped him arms around me and cried.

I didn't care if my clothes were soaked from his crying, I just wanted him to be alright.

He was as cold as ice. I was lost in though about him, until I heard light snoring.

I looked down to see the small boy asleep. His mouth slightly opened. I had a good look at all his facial features. His small nose and pale skin. I felt my cheeks grow warm.

I laid in down on my bed and went downstairs. I never knew ghosts slept. I started making dinner for 2. I don't know if Nagisa can eat human food but I know he can eat.

After I put the food in the oven I went to check on Nagisa. When I went him I found he was still asleep. Suddenly I saw the little piece of paper that's was on the floor. It was a picture.

In the picture Nagisa is there. He looks young, probably around 6. He also had shorter hair. Next to him is a man who had his arm around him and a woman who was hugging him.

They both looked like they were in their mid-30's. Both of them looked exactly like Nagisa. I'm guessing they were his parents. What stood out the most was the little bits of blood on the photo.

Why it was on it I had no idea, but I knew for sure that it was blood. Maybe he had this photo on him when he died. I examined the photo carefully when I heard I low mumble. "What are you doing?"

I looked up to see Nagisa awake. "Just looking at this photo. Hey, is that your pare-" before I could finish the photo was snatched out my hand.

"DONT TOUCH IT!" Nagisa put the photo back into his pocket. "HOW DID YOU EVEN FIND IT ANYWAY?" Tears of anger fell down his face.

"It was on the floor when I came in." I looked at the floor, feeling guilty for almost nothing. "Whatever. I'm going school Karma. See you." He said, anger and irritation in his voice.

"WHATS THE POINT?" I shouted when I heard my from door open. "TO GET AWAY FROM YOU!" Nagisa then slammed the door closed.

I wanted to chase after him, but I thought it would only make things worst. I left him be hoping that he would be calmer tomorrow.

I went downstairs to throw the food I prepared for Nagisa in the bin. I ate my dinner alone watching some movie. I decided that I'll go on instagram for a bit.

When I got on I saw a picture on Kayanos instagram. It was a picture of Nagisa with the words "RIP can't believe it's been a year since he died, still miss you Nagisa." I decided to look at her profile and scroll down.

Soon enough I came across around 5 photos of Nagisa. One was of him and Kayano Hugging.

The next one was of him drinking a smoothie while looking away from the camera.

Another one was him swinging from the tree branch.

A other photo was of him, Rio and Kayano at what looked to be the cinema.

The last one was him at the beach smiling with his hair flowing in the wind. I found it rather cute so I screenshots it.

After a while I got tired and decided to go to sleep. I got dressed into some joggers and a tank top and was about to crawl in when something caught my eye.

It was another photo. It probably fell out of Nagisas pocket. That's when something shook me.

There was another person in the photo. At first I thought that my mind was playing tricks on me, but it's wasn't.

Smiling next to Nagisa, was me. I could feel myself trembling. Me and Nagisa never even took a photo together. This photo had a lot more blood. Underneath the blood was something almost unreadable because of the blood, but I worked it out.

It said "Best Friends forever."

Me and Nagisa never met before this I started this school and that has only been 4 days. I started panicking. How does he have this photo.

AU Note:
Sorry this chapter took so long to come out. The reason for this is because I'm lazy and had a writers block. ;-; BUT I DID IT! Also this is the shortest chapter so far even though this took the longest to write. Anyways hope u like it. U can vote if u want I'm not making u. Anyways, byeeee!!!! ♥

Ghost- A KarmaxNagisa fanfic. (Discontinued)Where stories live. Discover now