Chapter 6

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My whole night was wasted just trying to figure out how Nagisa got a photo of us that we never took.

All the possibilities didn't even make sense. I could ask him but he might get mad again. Maybe it's not me. Maybe it's like my twin brother or something.

No that's stupid. I decided to go to sleep, but 10 minutes later my alarm went off.

This had to be the worst night of my life.

I got ready for school. I really didn't want to go but I need to find out about that photo.

I walk to school when I see a familiar blondie. "Hey, Rio!" I shouted. She looked at me but quickened her paste when she walked again.

"Huh, why is she in such a rush." I asked nobody but myself. I began making my way to school.

While walking I bumped into a certain girl.

"Oh, hey Okuda." I said. She looked at me and ran. She wasn't even running in the right direction.

"Why is everyone acting so strange?" I started jogging so I could find Nagisa quickly and ask him about the photo.

When I arrived in class everyone just stared at me. It was like I had a virus and if you talk to me you'll get infected.

I then saw Nagisa. He was reading a book which name I couldn't see the name of. I walked up to him.

"Heyyyyy Nagisa...." I said not knowing what to say. He shut his book and looked at me smiling.

"Hey Karma, sorry about yesterday I over reacted." He apologised.

"It's fine Nagisa, don't sweat it. Anyways, can I talk to you on the school roof top this break time?" I asked. He nodded.

I sat in my chair and didn't pay attention to anything that the teacher was telling me. None of it was important anyways.

Class finally ended. Both me and Nagisa was making our way to the roof top, trying to ignore the stares we got.

When we finally got up I shut the door. Nagisa looked straight at me, confused why I wanted to talk up on the rooftop.

"So, why'd you bring me here Karme?" Nagisa looked around, staring at the scene before him.

"We need to talk about a certain photo." I said bluntly. He rolled his eyes and said "Karma, its just my....old family. It's nothing big."

"No Nagisa, not that photo, this photo." I pulled at the picture out of my pocket. His eyes widened as he looked in shock.

"W-where did y-you find this?" He asking stumbling over his words.

"When I was going to sleep I found to photo in bed. Care to explain why me and you are taking a picture we never took before?" I handed him the photo.

He just stared at it. He looked....really sad. He looked up at me. He was crying.

Then suddenly he started running. He ran right through the wall.

"I forgot he's a ghost." I ran after him, hoping I could catch up. He kept running but he was really slow.

He suddenly slowed down by loads. I was able to grab his hand and twisted him around so he is facing me.

He was crying loads. Buckets of tears rolled down his cheeks. He really didn't want to explain that photo, but I need to know.

"Nagisa, what's with that picture?" I asked "it's okay if you don't want to tell me now but you need to tell me later." I told him.

The nodded and pulled me into a hug. I returned the hug. He cried and cried and cried for a few minutes. I felt bad.

"Look, let's just go back to class, okay?" I asked. I knew Nagisa didn't need school anymore but he agreed.

We walked to class. I opened the door and me and Nagisa walked in. I got really weird stares from people who couldn't see Nagisa, but there was one who looked shocked.

He stood up and pointed to Nagisa. "L-look there's N-Nagisa." Everyone gasped as they heard what he said. Could he also see Nagisa?

"Sugino, what are you talking about, that just Karma." Said Kayano. "No, look Nagisa is just standing there. He looks shocked." I turned to look at him and what Sugino said was true.

"Sugino, can you.....see me?" Nagisa asked. "Yeah. And here we all thought Karma was playing a sick prank on us, but he wasn't. Your actually real!" Sugino exclaimed.

"If you can see him ask him to tell us a really embarrassing secret that only he knows about me." Kayano said smirking, thinking that we'll get this wrong.

"Kayano usually wakes herself up with her own snoring." Nagisa said. At the same time both me and Sugino said. "Kayano sometimes wakes herself up by her own snoring."

Everyone gasped. "S-so you can actually see Nagisa?" Kayano asked. "Yeah." I answered.

AU note:
This chapters crap sorry. I made this chapter in the morning so it isn't that good. Anywayssss hope u enjoyed it still. U can vote if u want I'm not forcing u. Anyways byeeeeee! 💕

Ghost- A KarmaxNagisa fanfic. (Discontinued)Where stories live. Discover now