Chapter 5

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Peyton's POV

"Shit babe,  we need diapers! asap." I put my head on my forehead.

Lucas walked in.

"babe I would go get them, but I promised Nathan I would go drive Haley to the airport cause he has work!' he sighed while buttoning up his gray polo.

'ugh alright."

Lucas kissed me and the twins goodbye.

I gathered the twins into my arms and followed Lucas out to the car.

"You're getting diapers now?" Lucas laughed.

"There wasn't any left!" I laughed while getting the twins into their car seats.

"oh okay sorry love" Lucas kissed me once again while I got in my car.

With my luck, I hit every red light on my way to the store, with two 2 week old babes without diapers.

I laughed to myself as I pulled into the parking lot.

"Cmon babies." I lifted Sawyer and Lucas out of their car seat, and into their cart seat.

I walked into the store, Babies R Us, and explored the isles.

"Twins?' I tall muscular man laughed behind me.

I turned around and gave him a shy/awkward smile, "aha, yea"

"Must be such a handful." he laughed.

"Oh yes."

"Im Derick." he reached out his hand.

"Peyton.." I awkwardly shook it.  

"What are their names?" he smiled.

"This, is Sawyer. This, is Lucas."

"cool. I don't have kids." he sighed.

"Then why are you here?" I laughed while feeling myself getting a bit more comfortable with this Derick character.

" know. hoping for the future."

I gave him a weird look while grabbing the bag of diapers I needed.

I began to walk away.

"Hey Peyton..?" he pulled my shoulder back.


"Call me sometime." he handed me a piece of paper with a phone number.

I crumbled it up, "I don't really think that's such a great idea, im married, and In love" I laughed while trying to walk away for the second time.

"Oh cmon! What if my daughter gets sick?! I might need some advice." he smirked

"..You said you didn't have any children." I stuttered while walking away fast, finally getting away from him.

I paid for the items I picked up and hurried out.

I loaded Sawyer and Lucas back into their car seats.

"Typical mistake." I felt hot breath touch my neck.

I was startled.

"You can leave me alone, before I call my HUSBAND." I yelled while shutting the door near the babies. I walked around to the other side. I got in ; and closed the door.

"Peyton.." he tried opening my door.

I drove off before he could.

Something about him, seemed.. sketchy.

I pulled into the driveway noticing Lucas still wasn't home, making me even more nervous that Derick may find me, again.

I pulled the twins out of their car seats and held them in my arms.

I laid them down in their cribs, and began to rest my eyes on the couch.

I heard the door nob twist open.

I jumped up. "Hey babe. Sorry I took so long, me and Haley just grabbed a bite before her plane began boarding." Lucas walked in ; leaned down to kiss me.

"Hey yea that's fine." I smiled.

"where are the kids?"

"Oh, theyre sleeping." I closed my eyes again.

Just a second later, someone knocked on the door.

I got up and looked through the peep hole.

"Who is it?" Lucas asked concerned, while coming up behind me.

My stomach dropped.

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