Chapter 9

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Lucas' POV

I tossed and turned in my bed. Lucas and Sawyer laid peacefully next to me.

Constant thoughts ran through my head.

"What if shes dead?"

"What if shes alive but doesnt wanna come back?!"

"What if shes trying to come back but doesnt know where to go?!"

As that last thought ran through my mind, i grabbed the twins and quickly put them in their carrier.

"Let's go find mommy." I whispered while wiping the tears off my red cheeks.

I flipped open my phone noticing it was 2:36 am.

With tired eyes, a tired mind, i still wasnt giving up on Peyton.

Peyton's POV


"PLEASE UNTIE ME." I pleaded.

Is Lucas even looking for me? Does he even care? Of course he cares. What if he's giving up? He wouldn't give up on me.

I thought so many things.. I just didnt know where he was or what he was doing.

"LUCAS!" I screamed off the top of my lungs.

Derick walked in, laughing, clapping his hands.

"Well well. The desperate little bitch still hasnt given up on her little husband. HE CLEARLY DOESNT LOVE YOU. HE WOULD HAVE FOUND YOU ALREADY."

"Don't you dare say that. That is not true." The anger rushed through my veins.

"I would always look for you Peyton." He rubbed his hand over my cheek.

I moved my face away, beginning to cry.

He walked out if the room, perfect timing.

I wiggled my arms out of the small space between the rope and the chair.

Trying not to make any noise, i twisted the door nob.

I think this time, i was out. For good.

Lucas' POV

I drove slowly up and down every street possible.

"PEYTON!" I yelled while driving slower.



Nothing, again.

I slammed my head on my steering wheel.

I began to whimper.

I called the police station to see if there is any updates.

"Tree Hill Police." They answered.

"Hey, it's me Lucas Scott. I was wondering if there was any news on my wife, Peyton Scott." I began to speak trying to fight the tears.

"No sir, but, there are still many officers looking, they aren't giving up. im sure you aren't either. We will find your wife, I promise Mr. Scott."

"I am not giving up sir, thank you so much this means a lot to me."

"Goodnight Mr. Scott."

I laid my phone back in the cup holder.

I rolled my window down noticing a police officer pull up next to me.

"E-Excuse me.." I mumbled.

He looked over right away, "Yes, sir?"

"Do you happen to be looking for Peyton Scott?"

He gave me a weird look, "No Im not, sorry, but I have heard of the case, theyre finding out a lot, don't you worry." He slid his sunglasses back on his head, and drove off.

I actually smiled

I looked back at Lucas and Sawyer who were both, sound asleep. I half smiled and began to drive again.

I am across a house with a wide open door, and no windows.

I pulled over across the street from it.

I knew this wasnt safe at all, but i made sure the twins were still asleep, and i got out and locked the door.

"PEYTON?!" I shouted while running up to the door, from what I saw, it didnt look like anyone lived there, i walked inside.

The floorboards made a creek at every step.

I tried to make less noise, god forbid.

I heard whispering come from the basement.

My mind went blank.

"WHO THE FUCK ARE YOU?!" A tall man ran up the stairs.

"Dude look im sorry, im trying to find my wife.." I backed up, with my hands up.

"Well shes not here! Get the hell out before i kick your ass!"

I backed out, beginning to cry.. At the thought that, maybe Peyton isnt gonna come back, ever.

Although, i shouldn't think that, its All thats running through my mind.

I jumped back into my car, noticing the twins, still sound asleep. I sighed in relief and started the engine.

But then stopped as my phone rang, 3 missed calls from the police station.

I freaked out and answered.


"Mr. Scott?"

"It's him!"

"Mr. Scott.."

"Yes..?" I mumbled.

"We found a body."


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