Chapter 10

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Chad's POV

I dropped the twins off at my moms. I couldnt even think straight.

I just needed to hope. I needed to hope that my whole world wasnt going to crash down within the next 30 minutes, theres a 50% chance that it will. And a 50% chance that it wont. But, as Peyton taught me, you dont give up on the people you love most. She pretty much told me to never give up on her, as i wont. I never will.

I scurried back into the car.

I started the engine.

"Everything will be okay." I whispered while heading towards the police station.

My hands shook across the steering wheel. I could barely think straight.

I pulled up in front of the police station, took a breath, and walked in.

With my heart beating out of my chest, i was greeted.

"Good evening Mr. Scott. Follow me." I followed a tall man into the back.

A tear shed down my face at the thought that Peyton could be here, dead.

A familiar smell filled the air.

I was confused, as the man smiled.

He made me turn around. My eyes filled fwith tears.

"Hi Luke.."

"PEYTON!" I screamed.

There she stood. Cuts all over her face, covered in bruises, and yet still so beautiful. She jumped into my arms. I tightly squeezed her back. This was a feeling i missed, with all my heart.

I looked into her beautiful green eyes.

Something i havent been able to do for a while.

I didnt even want to ask about the attack. In full honesty, i didnt even want answers. I just wanted her, and i have her.

We ran together out to my car.

I held her hand so tight, the whole way. I never wanted to let go. and i didnt.

I looked into her eyes, as she sat in the passenger seat.


"Yes luke?" She smiled with the biggest smile.

"Peyton..from the second i heard those words, "we found a body." My heart sank. I couldn't move. I couldnt think, and now that I've managed to atleast move, all i could think about was a moment that we shared together, years ago. Over and over. That same insignificant moment repeats in my head. I-i cant tell you why.

It was the seventh grade. The first time i told you that i loved you.

You pulled me close, and kissed me right there, in front of all our peers, all our teachers. Without a care in the world. You ignored all the gasps and all the whispers and all the laughs. We both did. You kissed me. You told me that you loved me too, and at that moment i realized you're the one. Just from that one moment, we were so young! We didnt know any better! We didnt.. We didnt even know what love was then. But for some strange reason, i feel like i did. At that moment, i fell in love with you. And at that moment you smiled, because you knew. And thats when i realized you hadn't been making of your decisions of yourself. You were doing everything for me all along! And it occurred to me that we still had so much to learn about eachother, and since then, Peyton, if learned about the wonderful, selfless, humble, strong girl you are. Peyton, i couldnt stand to hear that you were never coming home again. That id never be able to learn something new about you again. Never experience your selflessness, your love. Your warm touch..

I thought to myself,

"Peyton, have we really had our last conversation? Our last kiss?"

I dont know what id do if that was true."

A tear dripped down her flushed cheek.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 08, 2014 ⏰

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