Chapter 6

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Lucas' POV

Peyton turned around and put her hands on my chest.

"Ok, don't take this the wrong way.. but when I went to the store I met this guy."

I rolled my eyes and laughed.

"No just wait, there's more. Hes super creepy. He tried giving me his number. I don't know how he found me." She panicked.

"He probably followed you home! Oh my god Peyton, how could you be so stupid!" I moved Peyton into the kitchen and walked towards the door.

"Be careful..." she whispered.

I ignored her comment and opened the door.

I gave him a look, "And who are you?" i laughed.

He held out his hand, "Im Derick. And you are?"

"Im Lucas." I shook his hand.

"Just like your son eh?" he laughed .

Peyton got up and came to the door. Just what i wanted her not, to do.

"You should be leaving." she laughed.

Peyton pulled me out of the door way, and shut the door.

"Are you crazy?! Don't shake his hand, you don't know where its been." she laughed.

"Oh cmon, he seems like a nice guy."

i moved away from Peyton while opening the door again. Derick was halfway down our driveway.

"Derick!" i waved him back in.

"oh my god." Peyton ran off.

"Wanna stay for lunch?" i offered.

"id love to." he smiled

Peyton's POV

I called Brooke, for her to come over immediately.



"Peyton are you drunk? Do you need a ride..?"

"NO! im not drunk." I laughed.

"Then what are you talking about?"

"I met this weird dude at the store and he followed me home and Lucas let him in for lunch. Please come over."

"Haha! Okay, ill be there."

i sighed in relief. "Youre a life saver thank you so much."

I hung up the phone and joined Lucas and Derick in the kitchen.

"Hello Peyton." he smiled creepily.

"ew." i left and sat on the couch.

"FEISTY ROAR!" he laughed.

Lucas gave him a look and he put his head down, i laughed.

There was a knock on the door, "i got it!" i danced to the door.

"Lucas leaned back  and looked out the window in the kitchen.

"You invited Brooke?" he laughed.

"Mhm."i opened the door and let Brooke in.

"Hi Pretty." Brooke walked passed Lucas and Ignored Derick.

"I WANNA SEE DA BABIES!" she laughed while running into their room.

She lifted up Sawyer, and i lifted up Lucas.

"Hes creepy looking." Brooke whispered, referring to Derick.

"Why do you thin-" i was interrupted by Derick walking in.

"What do you want. " Brooke snarled.

"Lucas wanted me to get you guys, we are gonna watch a movie. " he creepily whispered and walked out.

"i really hate him." i readjusted Lucas in my arms and followed behind Brooke into the living room.

"Hi Beautiful!" Lucas smiled reaching his arms out to hold Sawyer.

I sat right next to Lucas, and Brooke sat next to be leaving Derick alone on the other couch.

Derick waved his hand over for me to sit by him.

"Babe don't be rude, go sit by him." Lucas laughed.

i rolled my eyes and took a seat next to Derick.

"Brooke can come help me dig out a movie from the basement?" Lucas asked.


They both laid Sawyer and Lucas in their beds on the way down the stairs.

i gave Brooke a worried look as she made her way down the stairs.

Derick put his arm around my shoulder.

"You better move that right now before i scream." i began to get angry.

"If you scream, i will kill you right here, right now."

My eyes widened.

"We're alone now baby.." he brushed my hair behind my ear and began nibbling on my ear.

"Derick stop." i moved away.

He angrily pulled me back and began kissing my neck.

"God Peyton you turn me on." He whispered.

I began to cry.

"Please stop.."


He pulled me closer towards him, i was practically sitting on his lap.

"Kiss me, so hard. Or i will kill you." He whispered with desperation in his eyes.

Being as scared as i was, i did.

I slammed my lips on his, not wanting to break the kiss.

Not that i liked it, i just thought if i satisfy him, he will leave me alone.

So i did everything in my power to make him happy.

i began to hear Lucas and Brooke make their way up the stairs. i found my way closer to the other end of the couch, Lucas walked up smiling at me, "We couldn't find anything good." he laughed.

I laughed back. "Its okay.."

I got up and dragged Brooke into the next room, Derick was talking to Lucas about something else, so i thought, now is my time.

"Peyton is everything alright?!" she yelled. Getting Derick's attention.

Derick ran into the room, "Yeah PEYTON, is everything alright?!" he yelled while giving me a look. Lucas also gave me a look from the kitchen.

i didn't know what to say..

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