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hoseok scurried and tossed himself over a disarm fence

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hoseok scurried and tossed himself over a disarm fence. he rolled on the ground and crawled straight to front door.

"boo yah!" he said through the closed camera on the ceiling of the door. he smirk before shot it with his gun.

"wow that's so easy." hoseok said. he fired the door knob and easily knocked the door off.

"dang it!"

"mr dunk? hey hear me, your security doesnt scared me! they are the shittest" hoseok guffawed as he keep on moving into the house and straight to mr.dunk's bedroom.

"you know what you are fucking stupid if you hide in the bedroom! hey mr.dunk!" hoseok taunted. he stand outside of the bedroom and twirl the gun on his ring finger.

"pasito a pasito, suave suave sito--"

the door cracked open and mr.dunk staggered out of it.

hoseok turn and saw mr.dunk holding a gun ready to fire and he noticed the bulletproof jacket underneath his thin shirt.

'what a stupid.' he thought as he aim the gun onto his forehead and a loud thud can be heard second later.

"oh fuck you!" he yelled.

"hey? babe im here." namjoon knocked the door several times. being the polite person he is, he still know how to behave especially meeting his ex.

"bitch, you better get you ass on my fucking lap before i hacked your security system, get in there and dismembered your fucking boobs!" he yelled this time knocking the metal locked door with his gun.

"doggie!! come to papi!!"

"go away!" a girl stammered from the inside of the building. namjoon laughed when he heard the girl voice quavering.

"go where? im already here. open the door~" he sang leaning off the wall.

"fucking go away namjoon before i shoot your mufucking head!" the girl piped again. her voice trailed along maybe her tears.

"oh god bless you girl?"

"are you scared now?" he asked this time soft like a mother asking her son if he's scared of the monster under his bed, outside her door?

he type in code into the house security keypad and as simple as that all the steel lifted up and the door open itself.

"hi baby."

the gun fire on the woman head, headshot and she's laying on the ground half-dying.

"i miss you so much." namjoon said crouching down by her side. the woman shake aggressively in fear which namjoon enjoys so much.

"oh look at you experiencing my family's death experience, its a payback honey." he whispered the last sentence.

after finishing off his business which equals to kill all her family members, namjoon continue strolling the streets.

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