The One With The Realization

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Olivia's POV

I was in science class with Mr. Peabody, when Shayla came up to me. This was odd because we don't talk, ever! She's only been talking to Sohinki, Katy, Ian, Wes, Anthony, and her brother. Why would she be talking to me?

"We need to talk," Shayla whispered to me. I looked at her confused.

"About?" I asked.

"Anthony," Shayla said before getting up and leaving the room. The bell had rang and I got up and followed her.

"Shayla! Wait up!" I yelled at her running down the hall. It's hard to run when you're short in a crowd full of people carrying books. She stopped at her locker. Now I caught up to her. "What are you talking about?" She closed her locker and sighed.

"If you haven't notice, Anthony has been, well, depressed," Shayla said to me. I gasped in realization. How couldn't I have seen it? I grabbed my head.

"Well, what do you want me to do?" I asked.

"Just, be there for him," Shayla said before leaving. I followed her.

"How can I be there for him? We broke up," I told her.

"From what I heard, Sohinki was more invested in your relationship than you two," Shayla said. She wasn't wrong, he was trying to make me stay with Anthony. "Just ask him what's bugging him, be there!" Shayla said before leaving me, standing alone. I saw Anthony, sitting by himself. He saw me looking at him and got up. I quickly started to walk after him.

"Go away!" Anthony said to me.

"No, there's something clearing bugging you, and I want to help you!" I said. Anthony rolled his eyes. There is something up with him.

"Why would you care? Go spill your heart out to Clay!" Anthony said before walking away.

"No! There's something wrong! Please, tell me what's bugging you!" I shouted at him. He stopped and turned back to me.

"There's nothing wrong! Can't you just mind your own business!" Anthony yelled at me. I could see people looking at us.

"No! I can't mind my own business!" I shouted at him.

"Why!" Anthony yelled at me.

"Because I love you, you ass!" I screamed. The next thing I knew, Anthony was kissing me. It was amazing. I was the first to pull away, only because I was out of breath. "Wow!" I said breathing heavily. Anthony looked at me and smiled.

"I love you too!" Anthony said. I smiled at him and kissed him. "You ass!" Anthony said as he pulled away. I playfully slap his arm. He wraps his arm around me, and we walk away from the school.

"So, what's up with you?" I asked. He sighed.

"I'll tell you on our date," Anthony said. I looked up at him and smiled.

"So, are we back together?" I asked. Anthony nodded.

"Forever," Anthony said. I smiled. We walked to my car, and I drove him home.

This was the best day ever!

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