Chapter 21

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A/N: the photo is what I look like as I watch your reactions to new chapters ;)

Kara groaned and pulled a pillow over her head in protest to the sunlight streaming in her window. There was something about it that was just not exactly pleasant to wake up to, on Krypton the morning light was always more gentle and welcoming, but this wasn't Krypton and Kara always found herself reminding herself of that, no matter how long she lived on earth.

Memories of the day before sisters night came flooding back to her, making her catch her breath for a moment.

Alex knew, that made it so much more real.

Kara kissed Lena.



And asked her on a date.


Oh rao. So much had happened. So much. Kara could barely wrap her head around it, then again, it was Friday, and Cat always gave her Friday's off for "wrinkle relief" as she commented that Kara's constant furrowed brow would cause early wrinkles and fine lines. Usually Kara protested because she enjoyed working, but she needed to train at the DEO and catch up with other work, so she didn't mind.

*kim possible ringtone*

Kara groaned again, rolling onto her stomach to grab her phone off the side table. She blushed immediately as she read the sender

L: good morning sunshine :) hope you have a wrinkle-free Friday!

Kara snorted at Lena's attempted shot at Cat Grants required beauty regiment

K: good morning! I can assure you I will not be wrinkling. I am a fountain of youth.

L: I don't doubt that... dinner tomorrow night? If you say no i will kidnap you and take you anyways, I've already made plans.

Kara blushed furiously, extremely grateful that Lena couldn't see her through the phone.

K: I think it's called "adultnaping" if the victim in question is above 18.

L: ...

K: I'm kidding (adulting) of course we can go on a date I can't wait!

L: <3

K: <3

Kara felt wide awake then, she was ready to take on the day.

Except exactly two hours later she wished she had never even thought that at all as she stood pinned against a brick wall by a cyborg version of Hank Henshaw.

It was not the ideal situation by any stretch. At all. Even close. Nope.

The man-bot leans in closely, pining her arms above her head as she struggles against his restraint.

"Stop struggling little Zor-el. I know who you are, Cadmus knows you, your family, your place of residence, your place of work, your... significant other..."

Kara gasped, realizing the gravity of her spilled identity. If Cadmus knew every one of her weaknesses, she was truly powerless. She saw DEO agents, including Alex, in position behind the hank-bot, aiming their guns at him.

He seemed to have sensed the presence of the agents behind him, and he backed up slowly to give up his fight against Kara: to surrender.

But she underestimated, as the cyborg was always one step ahead, Cadmus always seemed to be that one step ahead.

His fist made contact with Kara's face before she even realized he moved.

Kara hit the ground before the DEO agents could shoot.

Fake Henshaw flew away before anyone had time to react.

Kara was dizzy,
She wasn't usually dizzy.

She felt her sister by her side, looking at her in concern as noises and faces faded in and out.

She woke up under a bright yellow sun lamp, a pounding in her skull.

If this was what a fist to the face felt like for humans, she was incredibly grateful to be an alien.

She sat up, groaning painfully and felt Alex rush to her side, shushing her as she held her sister up.

"Finally the receiving end of a knuckle sand which huh Kara?"

Kara was in a bit of pain but she couldn't help but laugh at her sisters light hearted humor.

"Something like that, or maybe a really bad hangover? I feel strangely human. I also realize why you don't like to get into fights anymore, and also why you've given up tequila shots."

It was Alex's turn to giggle, but she hushed as she looked at Kara in the face again.

"So um... this is not a normal circumstance, we're doing research on the cyborg of course and Cadmus of course and all the important spy intel things, but um... as your sister... it's just... your face..."

Kara felt a rush of horror. Oh no. Not her face.

Alex tried to hold back a laugh as she handed Kara a mirror

"Looks pretty badass to me. Plus, this may be the only time this ever happens."

Kara looked at her face.

More specifically the deeply discolored purple ring around her bright blue eye.



This was not going to be easy to explain to Lena.

A/N: I was going to try and make an excuse as to why I hadn't updated, but it's really just that I'm evil. Anywho, I still love you all, and appreciate the love and support you've given me, as well as the fact that you've stuck with this.


ALSO! I wanted to start a new story, but
A. Idk what to make it about
B. Idk if I actually want to
C. Will y'all even read this and give me your opinions? Who knows?

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