Chapter One: The Lonely Dragon

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Harry found himself sitting at the end of a long table, on each seat sat a figure cloaked in black donning a silvery skeletal mask. The sensation of smooth scales brushed against his long fingers and Harry glanced down to see a large snake coiled around the legs of his chair. Harry hissed to the snake "Be patient, Nagini. I will bring you some food soon," the voice was cold, it wasn't Harry's but Voldemort's.

"My Lord!" A voice called from the doorway, there Harry saw another Death Eater panting out of breath, and in one hand he clutched a young boy from the ruff of his shirt while he pointed his wand at the boy's neck with the other. "Forgive me for being late, my Lord but I found this kid trespassing on the Manor's grounds!"

The boy looked like he was in his teenage years, very young, his build wasn't muscular or tall and his face was surrounded by a mane of hair as yellow as rays of sunlight. To Voldemort only one word could describe this trespasser: Insignificant. There was nothing interesting about the boy with nothing of use to Voldemort. Then a thought entered Voldemort's mind as he remembered his precious pet.

"Bring the boy to me," Voldemort commanded and immediately the Death Eater sprang into action so as to not displease his Dark Lord. Now, the Death Eater stood near the Dark Wizard's chair, holding out his offering.

Blue eyes glared defiantly at his own red eyes.

"Nagini...your food..." He gestured with a pale hand, Nagini watched the hand move in anticipation before she slithered eagerly to her prey, gathering coils. With a lightning quick strike she sank her fangs into the soft flesh of the boy's neck as he yelped in pain.

The Death Eaters observed the scene with various expressions, some disturbed, others delighted.

All amusement turned to confusion as the boy stood up before Nagini was able to begin devouring the body. "Impossible. You shouldn't be standing, boy," Voldemort spat, furious. All of them were given an answer to their unasked question when they watched in morbid fascination as the wound Nagini inflicted began to knit itself back together, covering the exposed arteries and veins.

A white wand was raised in Harry's vision as he felt Voldemort's rage coursing through him.

"AVADA KEDAVRA!" A green light engulfed the room and seconds after it was followed by a short thud.


The yellow-haired boy slowly pushed himself off the ground, coughing. This boy...he can't be killed...he had achieved what Voldemort had searched all his life for: Immortality.

While everyone was distracted, the boy took off, dashing past a dazed Death Eater. Only after he left the room did they all realise that he was gone.

"Don't let him escape! Bring him to me!" Voldemort roared, spurring his followers into chasing after the trespasser. He needs to know how that boy was able to become immortal. Did he use the same method as himself? He didn't want anyone else to be immortal too.

How could he let that boy escape?!

The lightning bolt-shaped scar on Harry's forehead seared with pain as he woke from the dream panting and coated in cold sweat. An image of the yellow-haired boy burned brightly in his mind's eye.

Just who was this boy that Voldemort had taken such an intense interest in?



How much further was that town again?


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