Chapter Three: A Long Path to Follow

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The next morning, Zeno found himself enclosed by a sea of students the moment he stepped foot into the Great Hall. "What's your name?"

"-you're so cool!"

"I wish I could have seen-"

"Sit with us!"

"What House are you in?" The questions were tossed at him one after another giving him no room to answer. Eventually, the students began shoving each other in a fight for space but before a brawl was able to break out, Zeno managed to gain their attention with a juggling act using four apples from the nearest table. They clapped and cheered as the yellow-haired boy bowed, his perfect performance finished.

"Wow! That was amazing!" One of the Gryffindors called out. "You were really good! How long have you been doing that for?" The Gryffindor gave an annoyed glance behind him, when young boy clutching a camera with an expression of admiration on his face; began taking photos over his shoulder.

"Oh, Zeno has been juggling for a long time," he replied, smiling warmly. No one noticed the reminiscent look that was present on his face when he had answered, the reason being was due to their surprise at the unexpected use of third-person. The students shared looks, unsure of how to respond.

"Your name is Zeno?" One of the 7th Years asked cautiously.

"Yes, that is Zeno's name!" was his enthusiastic answer. Whispering ensued from those watching the unfolding scene. "What lesson do you have next? Zeno will join you! Zeno will join you!"

"Er...uh...eheh..." The 7th Year student stammered as he awkwardly backed away, along with several other people.

"He could come with us," an airy voice announced, they all turned to face the Ravenclaw who spoke.


Zeno followed the strange girl to what would be his second class at Hogwarts, Divination with the 5th Year Ravenclaws and Gryffindors. The moment he had climbed through the circular trapdoor at the top of the ladder, Zeno's nose was assaulted with the heavy scent of a sickly sort of perfume. In the dim room around him were at least twenty circular tables crammed between chintz armchairs and pouffes. A fire crackling under a crowded mantelpiece heated the room to an almost unbearable temperature that made him want to toss his orange overcoat aside and wish he had worn thinner robes. "Let's sit here, shall we?" a dreamy voice drifted into Zeno's ears from where the Ravenclaw was standing beside one of the round tables next to a ginger-haired girl.

"Nice to meet you, I'm Ginny Weasley and this is Luna Lovegood. You must be Zeno, right?" Introduced the Gryffindor. Zeno sank into one of the cushy armchairs with them, smiling bright enough to light up the whole room, and listened to Professor Trelawney explain with a mystical voice how to tell fortunes by crystal-gazing. By the end of her instructions, each table went to get themselves a crystal ball. "We did this in our third year, didn't see anything back then so why would we see anything now?" Ginny said, finishing off with a sigh as she slumped down in her seat with their crystal ball. All three of them gazed deeply into swirling fog-filled spheres.

"Oh, I see something. Look," Luna airily commented.

"I don't see any-wait...I see it too!" Ginny exclaimed.

"Where? Where? Zeno doesn't see anything," he asked while examining every inch of the crystalline surface.

"I think it's your future, Zeno..." Ginny trailed off as she watched the blurry image become clear and defined. "Hey, it is Zeno...and he's travelling along some kind of path..."

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