Chapter Two: A Dragon's Company

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Zeno ended up staying at Hogwarts a lot longer than just one or two days. He found the presence of others comforting, for it has been many years since Zeno had actually stayed somewhere long enough to get to know someone. Hogwarts just happened to have delicious food and a warm comfy bed as a bonus.

The next day, Madame Pomfrey had released Zeno from the Hospital Wing and had given him directions to the Great Hall so that he could have some breakfast there. As he was admiring all of the old oil paintings that he passed on his journey to the Great Hall, Zeno's face collided with a wall of silky fabric full of sparkly stars. Looking up, his eyes met Dumbledore's, who quickly averted his eyes and busied himself with helping Zeno up from where he had fallen.

"I am truly sorry for my behaviour yesterday, Mr. Zeno, so I have been thinking about how to make it up to you," the Headmaster paused, his eyes twinkling behind his half-moon spectacles. "I have decided to give you permission to attend any of the lessons, of any subject, at any time you wish. You may freely leave and enter any lesson as long as you don't disturb the class. Also, I am allowing you full access to the Restricted Section in the library, as you are not a student you are not bound by the rules of having to stay in dorms during night hours. I shall speak with all the other staff members so that they too, shall be aware of this agreement,"

Before Zeno could reply, the sound of a certain Yellow Dragon Warrior's stomach growling hungrily, interrupted them. Scratching the back of his head sheepishly, Zeno said: "Thanks, Mister Headmaster, but Zeno is hungry so he is leaving now!" Then he took off down the hallway, leaving Dumbledore to stare after him.

Students from all Houses gawked at the boy who they recognized as the stranger who had collapsed the previous night. Zeno, seemingly oblivious to the gossiping teens around him, continued to indulge himself in the foreign cuisine of Britain.

Since Zeno had nothing else to do, he decided that he would take Dumbledore up on his offer and spend some time seeing what subjects Hogwarts has to offer. He was curious to see what a school of Witchcraft and Wizardry taught. Zeno turned to face the closest group of nosy students and questioned them on what class they had next.

"Care of Magical Creatures," the third years answered and they then agreed to show him the way there. His first lesson at Hogwarts was with a mix of Hufflepuffs and Ravenclaws, outside in the Forbidden Forest. Zeno quickly made himself comfortable in a spot that was free of snow below a large longstanding tree and watched as the students gathered around the towering yet kind Professor. The Professor then proceeded to excitedly introduce his class to a group of Hippogriffs, which was then followed by an explanation on how to approach one. Looking at the proud half-bird half-horse creatures, Zeno couldn't help but agree with Hagrid that they really are beautiful creatures.

Inhaling the cold but fresh air, Zeno closed his eyes as he took a moment to enjoy the peace. This forest reminded him of when he was travelling with Yona, Hak, Yoon, Kija, Jae-ha, Shin-ah and Ao, minus the snow. He let out a long sigh at the memory. Opening his eyes, Zeno observed the class as they bowed to the Hippogriffs who would then return the gesture before allowing the awed-filled teenagers pet them.

"Zeno, was it? Would yeh like ta pet one too?" Hagrid asked as he waved a large hand. Zeno got up from his spot and approached the Professor.

"Sure!" He chirped in response, hands up in the air accompanied with a large smile.

A Hippogriff with fur and feathers that were as black as the darkest shadows was lead out away from the herd. Eyes a gold as Shin-ah's stared back at Zeno with a fierce piercing gaze; it was as though the Hippogriff was trying to see straight into his very soul. Yet before he even began to lower his head, the magnificent magical creature had already beat him to it and was kneeling before him. The class and Hagrid all looked at him with wide eyes, as the two stared at each other.

"Or yeh could do tha'...well go on then. Give 'em a pat," said a rather stunned Hagrid. The Yellow Dragon Warrior lifted one of his hands and gently caressed the feathered head of the Hippogriff who leaned into his touch. Soon enough the yellow-haired boy was nuzzling into the soft neck feathers, laughing as the Hippogriff nuzzled back while emitting gentle chirps. Their audience just gaped at the happy pair until the bell rang, signalling the end of the lesson.

Not long after that lesson was over had word spread about the new yellow-haired stranger, the whole school was abuzz with chatter, so naturally there wasn't a single person at Hogwarts who hadn't heard at least one version of what had transpired in the Forbidden Forest.

***Golden Trio***

Of course not everyone thought that a Hippogriff bowing straight away is an amazing feat, yet despite that, everyone in the Gryffindor Common was still  talking about the enigmatic new kid. Harry, Hermione and Ron were no exception, as they too had heard about what had occurred during the lesson. So while they were taking a break from their homework, they decided now was a good time as any to say what they thought.

"Do you really think he's still a Death Eater, Harry?" Hermione asked, "According to what I heard, he was cuddling the Hippogriff," she stated, putting a particularly strong emphasis on the word 'cuddling'. Harry, who had opened his mouth to confirm, quickly shut it when he heard it.

"A Death Eater cuddling a...pfft!" Ron's snicker then became the catalyst as the three of them burst into laughter at the absurd thought which had them imagining Voldemort's loyal minions hugging bunnies, cats and other cute fluffy animals.

"No seriously, what if that was all a ploy just to make us let our guards down so everyone would stop suspecting him?" Harry theorised after their laughter had died down.

"Harry, you can't go around accusing people of being a Death Eater. He was being chased, right? He probably wants nothing to do with Death Eaters and the like," Hermione chided.

"We'll prove it then. Let's go see if he has a Dark Mark, that way we can be sure of it," Harry announced.

"It's getting late now, Harry. How about some other time?" said Hermione over Ron's cheers as she packed up her equipment. They all agreed, nodding their heads tiredly before heading off to bed.


Meanwhile, in Dumbledore's office, the Headmaster and Severus Snape were up late discussing things as well; outside one of the windows, an owl flew past and off into the star-filled sky.

"Have you met the boy, Severus?"

"Not yet, Headmaster," was Snape's honest reply. Dumbledore nodded.

"Then it isn't too late. I must warn you, Severus, not to use Legilimency on Mr. Zeno," the Headmaster warned seriously as his eyes peered over the top of his half-moon glasses.

"Why?" inquired Professor Snape.

"The boy has an incredibly complicated mind, Severus, with more layers than you can imagine. It will do well for you not to make the same mistake as I did," Dumbledore explained as Fawkes flew over from his perch to land on the Headmaster's shoulder.

"Very well, I shall remember your warning, Headmaster," promised Professor Snape, then he stood up and swiftly left the room, black robes flapping behind him like the wings of a bat. Fawkes let out a short yet beautiful melody as Dumbledore's finger gently stroked his crest.

As he pondered the mysterious boy Dumbledore glanced at his Pensieve, the memory he last viewed swirled serenely within its walls. It wasn't one of the memories he has been showing Harry recently this year, instead it happened to be a very different memory.

About his first meeting with Zeno.

The more the Headmaster viewed the memory, the more questions were raised in his head. Yet none of them had a definite answer. He can only guess.

For now, all he can do is keep a close eye on the yellow-haired enigma.

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