Chapter Five: The Power He Should Never Obtain

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The moment Zeno entered the Great Hall the next day for Breakfast, a hush fell over the students as they all gazed at the golden-haired boy. Having been early the previous day, Zeno had managed to avoid contact with the student body but now he was faced with the results of the festering rumours. Through the Hogwarts' grapevine, students who were not present at the scene of the Boggart were fed tall tales and highly imaginative stories of what had occurred.

Flashing everyone a shining smile, Zeno made his way over to Luna, who was sitting at the end of the Ravenclaw table by herself. Grabbing hold of a plate of pancakes, Zeno dug in to the delicious meal as he listened to the various whispers around him.

"I heard he defeated the Boggart with his bare hands!"

"No way! I thought he was bitten by an Acromantula!"

"Actually, he nearly drowned in a sea of blood and Professor McGonagall had to pull him out,"

"No it wasn't! He was surrounded by dragons who wanted to eat him so he-"

"-then he wrestled a manticore which then-"

Zeno chuckled, the youngsters here truly did have wild imaginations. "What class are you going to visit next?" Inquired Luna. Zeno gulped down some pumpkin juice before replying.

"Hmmm, how about Defence Against the Dark Arts? Zeno heard it's usually very practical," Zeno said as he contemplated his options, "Does Miss know who has Defence Against the Dark Arts next?"

"Harry does, he's very good at it, you know. He taught us last year. He's over there," Luna remarked, pointing to a black-haired boy with round glasses.

"Thanks, Miss! Zeno will be going then!" he announced before heading over to the Gryffindor table with a spring in his step. The three Gryffindors from yesterday appeared to be surprised by Zeno's sudden company. Every few seconds one of them would glance at Zeno as he happily sat on the bench opposite them, legs swinging back and forth. Then as agreed, the trio lead Zeno to what would be the third class that he had attended at the school of magic.

Looking around the Defence Against the Dark Arts classroom, Zeno saw that all the curtains had been drawn over the windows as the room was lit by candlelight rather than sunlight. Upon the walls hung many gruesome images depicting people who appeared to be in pain, sporting grisly injuries or strangely contorted body parts. It was a grim reminder to Zeno of the many would be life-threatening injuries that he had obtained in the past during battle, but survived due to his regeneration. Nobody spoke as they settled down. Once settled, Professor Snape then explained to the class how poor their attempts were last time before giving them their instructions for the lesson.

"You will now divide... into pairs to continue your practice with non-verbal spells in complete silence. Carry on," Zeno observed the class of 6th year Slytherins and Gryffindors as a reasonable amount of cheating ensued with many of the students merely whispering the incantation instead of saying it out loud. Professor Snape swept between each pair as they practised, before lingering to watch Zeno. Dark yet calculating eyes met vibrant blue. The moment ended as a broad smile appeared on Zeno's face making Professor Snape's scowl deepen in return.

As his attention was focused on the DADA Professor, Zeno failed to notice a stray spell heading in his direction until it was too late. "Watch out!" cried out some of the students who saw wayward spell whiz toward him. The jinx hit him directly in the side of his neck, stinging Zeno and producing a red scorch mark-like brand as welts erupted on his skin. Wincing, Zeno gingerly covered the injury with one of his hands.

"Zeno! Are you all right?!" Hermione asked, worried as she and her friends rushed over to help him.

"Zeno will be fine! Don't worry, Miss," He reassured her, waving away all the student's hands who reached out to aid him.

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