Chapter Six: The Ouryuu Who Protects

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Slowly, Snape stood up from the classroom floor, the images from Zeno's mind flashing before his eyes. His gut squirmed at the memory of Zeno's headless body, despite having seen the worst work of the Dark Lord and his Death Eaters; not because of how gruesome the scene was, but because of how unfair it was. It didn't feel fair that after being stabbed so many times this boy could live while Lily...while Lily could not.

This is the power that the Dark Lord is after. Eternal Life. It was something that the Dark Lord desired all for himself and him alone.

No one to keep him company...

Thinking about it this way made Snape realise how unfair it was to Zeno, who could not die at all. How many times has this boy yearned for death? If Lily had this power and survived, she would have lived an unhappy, cursed life. Seeing those around you grow old and die, over and over again losing those most precious to you in an endless cycle.

He has to make sure of it, that this boy is the Immortal One.

Grabbing a fistful of Zeno's scarf, Snape yanked the boy closer to him and glared into those eyes that were as blue as a clear sky on a sunny day. "Is it true? Are you immortal?" Snape snarled. Upon hearing that question, Zeno's eyes became more like the blue sky you would see on those days when the Sun's harsh rays are scorching you. There was an intense gleam in his eyes. So intense, that Snape almost released the boy as if burned by his very gaze.

"Why would you want to know? Do you wish to obtain immortality?" Zeno asked, serious.

"No...I do not seek immortality like the Dark Lord. I do not wish to see it fall into...the wrong hands...I am sure you are aware of the fact that the Dark Lord has targeted you," Snape's answer was softly spoken, as though he didn't want anyone else to hear his words, "He will do everything in his power...disposing anyone who stands in his get his hands on you and that power. The Dark Lord does not wish for anyone else, other than himself, to be immortal like him. Now answer it true you can't die?"

After hearing Snape's explanation, Zeno's eyes stared directly at him with a sorrowful sapphire blue hue. "I can't die," Severus Snape's grip slackened causing Zeno's green scarf to slip free. The two of them stood solemnly, beside them the curtains fluttered as a gentle breeze entered the gloomy classroom. This action caused a few rays of sunlight to slip through the exposed parts of the window and highlight Zeno's golden hair in a soft glow.

"Follow me..." instructed Snape as he pivoted on his heel and strode out of the room, leaving Zeno to catch up himself. Down a few sets of stairs and several corridors, Snape led them to the gargoyle guarding the Headmaster's Office. He pronounced the password curtly: "Pumpkin Fizz," and the gargoyle instantly leaped aside, revealing a secret staircase to which Zeno applauded. The office was unoccupied except for the Headmaster's pet Phoenix, Fawkes, who released a low melodic note as if asking: What's wrong?

"Where is the Headmaster?" He questioned the portraits, to which one of them responded:

"The Headmaster told us he should be back by one o'clock,"

Snape turned to see that Zeno was admiring Fawkes. When the yellow-haired boy reached out with one of his hands to touch the Phoenix, Snape opened his mouth to warn the boy not to. However, Fawkes did nothing but chirp delightedly when Zeno's fingers carefully stroked the Phoenix's scarlet feathers, his melodious voice filling the room and soothing their restless souls.


Caressing the magical bird's feathers beneath his fingers, Zeno felt the most at peace he has been in the past few hundred years. With each beautiful note, his soul felt more and more serene.

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