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SCENE IV - Inside the temple of Venus, in the Emperor's chamber. VIBIA and HADRIAN enter.

HADRIAN: Here the emperor rests, bathes, and plans.

For the day's events, for the good of the land.

Vibia, dost thou fancy this house,

Constructed for Venus, to cast hatred out?

VIBIA: Love would coin the sweet nature of mine.

The chambers are tall, unique, and Divine.

Venus has blessed thee with her lovely eye.

I'm glad to stare through your precious mind.

HADRIAN: If thou dost, I pray thee give me some thought.

Gaius is a man whose help is distraught.

I noticed him lurking at night at our estate,

Dost thou know why he did so late?

VIBIA: I know of why not; Gaius is strange I agree.

He seems to like to live vicariously.

Think not of him, for he knows not what he does,

His nature is lost; he is lacking of love.

HADRIAN: I'll tend to your words, for they have yet to be seen

As untrue to the thief who is caught in his scheme.

VIBIA: I think this is wise, now I'll leave thee to pray.

I must consort with the many guests of the day.

(VIBIA leaves, and as the door shuts, ANTINOUS enters secretly.)

HADRIAN: Venus, I ask for thy guidance,

When consorting the man,

Who claims as my loyal,

But then invades my land.

Reveal his intention,

Offer his thoughts.

Give me his purpose,

For my mind is distraught.

Shall trust I the claims, of my virtuous wife?

She hasn't proven untame, or like a thief in th-

(ANTINOUS knocks something over, HADRIAN reacts.)

Goddess, is that you?

If yes, reveal thyself then.

Offer me truth,

And my mind thee will mend.

(ANTINOUS remains silent.)

Quiet thy are.

Make me wait for thine words.

My heart is distraught,

My thoughts are absurd.

Fair Vibia hast gone,

I'm alone on your floor.

My body, it longs,

(ANTINOUS makes more noise. HADRIAN sees him.)

Is that thee, I adore?

ANTINOUS: (whispering) Does match this feeling of a dreamer's dream?

Though swore I this dream never would be felt?

Or return shall I to logical themes,

And assume from there that my thoughts will melt?

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