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SCENE V - Somewhere elsewhere in the temple. VIBIA and GAIUS enter.

VIBIA: What man has become of my Hadrian?

He seeks not of trust like he hath before.

He saw thee at home, outside our door.

He trusts thee not, he warned this onto me:

"If thou dost," Spake he, and then continued quick:

"I pray thee give me some thought." And then went on:

"Gaius is a man whose help is distraught."

Gaius, speak to this, what shall we do?

He knows that thou art watching,

He warned me his truth.

Speak, Gaius, speak!

GAIUS: I wilt open my mouth,

Though I have no offers to give.

Beside of the man,

I watched go in with him.

He entered quick, after thee had left.

Through the crack in door from thine exiting wake.

I waited a few, hoping to catch them off-guard,

But once I had knocked, the man had already gone.

Believe me, sweet Vibia, there's a man in the midst,

Whose arrival is not in a time of bliss.

He's changing thy man, he's challenging thee.

He's causing havoc, who he is wish I knew.

Plan us to this, before much too late,

Keep thy eye out my sweet,

He'll be returning some date.

As Gaius speaks true, that is my offering.

Do what you please, and then order to me.

VIBIA: This man that thou speak,

Did you catch a glance at his face?

GAIUS: Yea, a sweet young suitor, looking on the look for a mate.

VIBIA: Hadrian has never requested a man,

Why dost thou believe what thee can?

GAIUS: After investigating the space,

I saw a look in thy husband's face.

A silenced happiness, muted surprise.

Since thy wedding night, I have not seen that disguise.

Think what thou wilt, but so must I.

I hope he doesn't push thee aside.

VIBIA: Push thee aside, canst thou picture the thought?

Imagine a Greece where Vibia's gone!

One mustn't, no, if she's gone, Greece is ought,

To be destroyed, for it would be so wrong.

This vile creature has Hadrian hexed!

Hadrian is now lost under his spell.

But aside where thou art, aside the sex,

What do they expect to gain from this hell?

Good Gaius, keep watch, keep eye on this crime,

I'll join for this empire cannot fail.

And once he is caught will be the prime time.

To watch old Hadrian's power prevail.

Gaius, best thee believe that of my word,

I end words of creatures strange and absurd.

GAIUS: I pray thee speaks truth,

I pray Hadrian's new love will drop to the call,

Of fear that his suitor's wife and secretary install.

VIBIA: Good Gaius, thank I thee for this,

Thank you for finding the man in the midst.

We'll be on the hunt, like those bird of prey,

Waiting for th' moment our victim shall pay.

(Exit all.)

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