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SCENE V - Enter HADRIAN and ANTINOUS, LUCIUS (in secret), and others, all boarding the boat to Egypt.

HADRIAN: Tonight we set sail to reach the ancient land of Egypt.

There will be not talk of Greek politics on the trip!

ANTINOUS: Thank thee all for welcoming me into the group, I value each of thee!

ASSISTANT: Emperor, how long will the voyage last?

HADRIAN: As long as it needs to, my friend.

ASSISTANT: I see, my lord. I see, I see.

I must come closer, for there's something to ask thee.

HADRIAN: Then do so, and let the ship sail!

(People disperse.)

ASSISTANT: (Approach HADRIAN and ANTINOUS.) My lord, I ask for something that may not be public quite yet, but surely will be soon.

HADRIAN: Ask away, my friend. What is on thy mind?

ASSISTANT: Where is thy secretary, Gaius? Rumors amongst the crew suggest he was banished. Speak truth to me now, please.

HADRIAN: Tis true, Gaius is banished from Greece.

ASSISTANT: What, but why? Wherefore art he banished?

HADRIAN: For having relations with my Empress.

Fret it not, my friend, for Greece is still strong.

She loves not me, and I have moved along.

ASSISTANT: But surely, Emperor, she deserves no one,

If she won't have thee, the great Hadrian.

ANTINOUS: Love works in strange ways,

If we could control who we loved, there'd be no trouble here.

But we cannot, and the therefore trouble is always near.

ASSISTANT: Who speaks up now, Hadrian, who is this?

HADRIAN: The love of my life, sweet Antinous.

ASSISTANT: Love makes much sense,

His beauty is clear.

Is this why Vibia is not coming near?

HADRIAN: She's staying back for I wanted her to.

For political reasons, now that's enough, adieu.

(HADRIAN dismisses the ASSISTANT, they leave.)

ANTINOUS: Speak not of truth for Gaius fate?

Or Vibia's punishment locked at the gate?

HADRIAN: My love, tis not the time or the place

To make Gaius's friends hate.

They will learn when they do,

About Vibia and truth.

ANTINOUS: Very well, very well. I'll trust that is right.

And then I'll sleep very well tonight.

(LUCIUS emerges, unseen by all.)

LUCIUS: Remain in this joy, while thee can, while thee may.

For I must end it all eventually so.

That I can, oh sweet Apollo I pray.

Allow Hades take over my troubled soul.

I need those rings for my life to go on.

If I fail, well, I might as well be dead.

Gaius is evil, he's truly a con.

Making me want to jump on for his head.

Antinous, beware. Soon thou wilt die.

Hadrian beware, for soon I wilt kill.

Apollo, Venus my fortune defies,

Now Hades has and will support my will.

Attach must I now, like a jealous ghost.

And I hope it's not hard to fool my host.

(LUCIUS secretly broads the ship.)

LUCIUS: Silence, silence, let it speak ever loud.

Here comes Hadrian, his footsteps are keys.

Cast not I questions, illustrated sound.

To some piano that criticizes my dreams.

Apollo, Apollo, what is thy plan?

Antinous is innocent, sweet, tame.

Why must I kill to remain a man?

Taking life from such glorious name.

Antinous, Antinous, go back.

Save thyself, revive, and look not sad.

Get out of this night drenched in murder's black.

Reimagine life before it went mad.

Don't look me in the eye when I kill,

Or wilt thou kill I, and all of my will.

HADRIAN: All aboard, I say, all aboard at last!

Egypt is waiting and we will reach it fast.

Sleep well my friends, for tomorrow will be

More beautiful than anyone ever dreamed!

ASSISTANT: Canst we now to our bedrooms sleep?

Canst we let the ocean rock us to dream?

HADRIAN: Yea thou may, as I will do the same.

Goodnight thou all, Apollo be with thee.

Tomorrow will you all feel such fame,

Seeing place that we are bound to see!

ASSISTANT: Thank thee my lord, thank this glorious night.

ANTINOUS: Goodnight, all. Till tomorrow, goodnight.

(ANTINOUS and HADRIAN board, followed by the rest.)

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