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SCENE V - Enter GAIUS and VIBIA, outside the emperor's palace.

GAIUS: Vibia, empress, thou look so pale.

What, has Hades caught thee in his spell?

VIBIA: Perhaps he has, perhaps I've died.

My life has fallen to the street side.

I longed to be my husband's one love,

But love is lost, and my heart is shoved.

He loves another, thou were right and true.

And though I love him, he still cannot choose

His wife of years, who helped build this land.

Who helped him get to the place he stands.

Look thee to me, and what dost thou see?

But a sad, defeated wench, who suddenly pleads?

My heart is a cut that Hadrian sealed,

But now has been cut again, and weakness revealed.

Antinous, that name, Antinous, that word,

Makes all I've worked for seem so absurd.

Did Hadrian love me, did Hadrian care?

About the things I thought that we shared?

GAIUS: I pray that thee not give up,

The war is not won.

A battle lost, but only begun.

Antinous, I know, and he will know I,

For that man will be killed. I fight on your side.

Hired have I a man to end it all, as your loyal steed.

For you, you shall call this pain that I help recede.

For I love thee, more than Greece ever can,

More than Venus love's love, more than Hadrian his man.

Is this the time to speak such strange news,

I'm sorry, my empress, I'll leave thee to choose.

How long your heart will take to mourn.

Just know I'm here for thee,

For thee alone, and not Hadrian.

VIBIA: Speak thou true, does thee love as thy claims?

GAIUS: I speak as true as the sun at noon reigns.

VIBIA: Give my thy hand, I need but one to hold,

(Takes his hand.)

You are the only one I have told.

Of my weaknesses, of yet you don't run.

Hadrian dismisses me, and to Apollo I'm shunned.

Speak of me in the way that thou love,

And my heart will be better, and pure as a dove.

GAIUS: A challenge I accept, gladly for thee.

For his love no longer can make thee spin.

I'll try describe what is shown, what I see.

In thou eyes, lips, ivory teeth, perfect skin.

Cupid reaches far and opens my eyes,

When thou speaks my name, darkness becomes light.

Like sunrise, my heart delivers the sky,

Showing thee in bright colors, we blind out night.

And once we are free, once we are fearless,

I remind my mind this isn't a dream.

But instead the glory of my empress.

In our skies which thou conquers and redeems.

Vibia, dreams are delivered through thee.

Dreams that I, your messenger, love to see.

VIBIA: Dost thou speak no wrong?

Dost thou mean what thou says?

GAIUS: Every word, my empress.

And in thy presence, honor'ed.

VIBIA: Words can't describe the love I bear thee,

Now that I know of thine's feelings for me.

Hadrian speaks not of thy nature.

Yet still I love him, yet still I torture.

GAIUS: I know that thou does.

Why else would thee mind?

Hadrian leaving thee for one he finds divine?

Love is selfish, without love we are free.

But when stuck in it, life can be scary.

VIBIA: Would it be wrong to offer my lips,

To a man so honored by my presence?

GAIUS: You ask the wrong man,

For I am that man.

Wrong, I think not.

But quite out of hand.

VIBIA: Love is just that,

Nothing about it makes sense.

Hadrian loves a man,

And they can't bear children.

But yet he loves,

As I may now.

Kiss me, Gaius.

You've welcomed me now.

(They kiss.)

GAIUS: I have just sipped from the fountain of youth,

Not the moral lie, but the eternal truth.

You offered to me immortality,

And through our love, we will always breathe.

VIBIA: Take thee now, before it grows late.

To the Temple of Venus, Greek love's great estate.

Then we return, to talk of Antinous,

For he shall die, and you shall help this.

(Exit all.)

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