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SCENE IV - Enter LUCIUS, another place along the Nile.

LUCIUS: My fate, my fortune, and future combine.

Tonight along the shores I sit beside.

Antinous sacrifice life for mine,

And I'll remain alive- my faith reside.

Canst I kill a heart so deeply in love,

Knowing I shall kill two souls with my blade?

Hadrian will suffer, like bloody dove.

After his lover, Antinous, slayed.

Lucius think now, how this wealth expense.

Amongst all who suffer from its dark debts.

If not poor, would I pass this for regents?

Or should all who do this be known as threats?

Apollo, thou left me fend for my life,

But truly though left me in a great strife.

ASSISTANT: (in the distance) All Greeks gather, dinner is served.

Hurry for your share, for nothing's reserved!

LUCIUS: Good, they all gather to feast one last time.

As I sit and dream of some type of meal.

What I deserve is to be starved in crime.

For every thought is only for my ideal.

Pure Antinous, make this less severe,

Give me way to prove that thee should die.

Good lover, be dark, or of it appear,

And then to myself I no longer must lie.

Thou wilt kill I, if the Heavens were fair,

If Hades had not taken my soul.

Now sink my blade into thee could I dare?

Knowing how evil and dark is my goal?

Lucius, return thy previous state.

Give up thy greed, before it's too late.

ASSISTANT: (in the distance) Lovely evening, is it, and everyone's beautiful.

Specifically, Antinous, with beauty indisputable.

(Laughter in the distance.)

LUCIUS: Good heavens, mock me! Mock my quest to live.

How would I to kill Apollo's best gift?

Antinous, why must thou to all give,

Such words of grandeur, thee every soul lifts!

Lucius should die instead of the man,

Fancied by Hadrian, fancied by all.

How strange is his beauty to defy plans

Protecting me from such a downfall.

Gaius, curse thee! Curse thy name and thy price!

Lucius can't die by such suicide!

Poor life, welcome, modesty I suffice.

Instead of my own death by his homicide!

Apollo, make me poor deserting me still,

I cannot and will not make death my will.

Tonight I will save that Antinous from pain,

Saving him from their efforts that would have him slain.


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