Chapter 17

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"Don't go."

"Don't l-leave."

"Why does everyone keep abandoning me?"

"I'm still here aren't I?"



I opened my eyes to the dimly lit room, though it is daytime no one has opened the thick drapes. I feel like there's a balloon under my skull, slowly being inflated as the pressure increases gradually. How the smell of wine last night was so intoxicating, that the thought of it adds to my nausea this morning.

My throat felt like sandpaper. It hurts to move. My head is pounding and layers of dehydrated saliva coated my dry cracked lips. I now understand why they call it a hangover.

What happened last night? I remember drinking a few shots of that Mai Tai and told everyone I wanted to go the toilet. Things got really fuzzy and blurry after that. Next thing I know, I wake up in bed today feeling like crap. It frustrates me even more knowing that I can't recall a single thing of what happened last night. And what was that dream all about? It felt so surreal.


Why the heck am I all wrapped up like a cocoon ?!

I struggled to move my arms and legs but failed miserably as the material constricted my movements. I then tried to wiggle my way out only to wear myself out and become even more exhausted than before. Then, the door knob started to twist and the door flung right open as a manly figure stepped into the room making me stun.

"Oh you're finally awake."
He said simply.

"W-what? What do you mean I'm finally awake? Kim Taehyung.
Why are you here? How did you have the access card to my room? And why am I all wrapped up like I'm some sushi roll?!"

"You know, I like you better when you're asleep."


"Anyways, I brought soup and some aspirin for your hangover. Now get your butt to the table and eat them."

"Aw sure, I'll just you know.. roll myself there."
I said in a sarcastic manner.

He groaned a little bit as he made his way to my side. He then looked at me funny when he leaned closer to me while raising one of his eyebrows.


"Have you even brushed your teeth?"

"No, Taehyung. I can't even sit strai-"
Just as I was about to answer him, he leaned towards me as he wraps his arms around the blanket, shifting my body into a sitting position. My heart skipped a beat and I could feel the warmth of the blush as it crawls up my neck.

"There you g-.. Wow Maya.. Your cheeks are turning red."
Taehyung said as he stare right at my cheeks.

"W-what? Ani-"
I couldn't finish my sentence again as he suddenly placed his hands on my cheeks and forehead to check my temperature, making me even more of a nervous wreck.

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