Chapter 28

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Taehyung's POV

Fishing. An activity where some people would regard it as boring or an old man's sport, but I value it much more than that. I honestly think those that never experienced the joy of fishing are definitely missing out. And lucky for me, I found two idiots to enjoy it with.

"Jungkook-ah, don't stray too far into the water!"
I screamed, warning our youngest member to be less of in his natural reckless behavior.

"Aish hyung you're no fun."
Jungkook shoots back.

"Yah listen to your hyungs. We know better."
Jimin banters.

He blurts out in defeat.

"Taehyung, are you sure there's fishies here?"Jimin asked as we haven't seen one since we got here

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"Taehyung, are you sure there's fishies here?"
Jimin asked as we haven't seen one since we got here.

"Namjoon was the one who recommended us to fish here."

Just as we were about to doubt our group leader, Jungkook suddenly grabbed a fish out of the water. read that right.
He literally grabbed a fish out of the water.

He literally grabbed a fish out of the water

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"Hyung, I found a fish. Can we cook and eat it?"
He asked innocently as of what he did a second ago was totally normal. I gaped at Jimin, he was just as bewildered as I am.

"Well..that answered our question. There are indeed fishies here, Jimin.
Also, we can ask Jin hyung to cook for us but I don't think cooking is allowed in the hotel."

"Oh..Arasso, I'll just use this as a necktie then."
He then did just as what he told us he would do.

"He then did  just as what he told us he would do

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 25, 2020 ⏰

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