Chapter 19

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With a heavy sigh, I turned and walked back inside. I stealthily made my way across the room and crawled into bed as quietly as I could as to not awake the others.

Just as I've finally reached the bed, I leaned down to grab something from under the bed. A book. Bound in brown leather, cracked and dry with age. The pages within are brittle, some are stained with what I assume to be coffee stains. And what remains of the book's original stitching is barely holding it together.

An obscure scribble on the inside of the cover states the name of the original owner.

Jung Maya.


It was during that day at the swimming pool.


" I'm sorry for even existing! "

I swear the looks this lady is giving me could be the dictionary's definition for 'glaring'. There wasn't any softness in that gaze. It was a look that conveyed a bubbling anger, frustration, and pain. And it sucked the life out of me.

What the heck is going on, I thought.
I was too stunned to process anything let alone respond. So I just stood there, taking in everything she threw at me. Just then, a tear spilled from the corner of her eye as it trailed down her cheek. She then stormed off leaving us all behind, shocked and confused.

"What just happened?"
Namjoon finally asked, breaking the awkward silence.

"I don't know. But I don't feel like going swimming anymore.."
Jungkook respond as he lets out a pout.

"Yea, I feel bad.."
Yoongi added as he looked down on the floor, embarassed.

"Okay guys, let's just go back to our rooms okay?"
Namjoon concluded, he then grabbed both Jungkook and Suga's arms and dragged them back to their rooms. The others then followed them from behind.

Just as I was about to tag along, something near the pool ladder caught my eyes. I then walked closer to it and picked it up.

"Whose book would be lying around down here?"

I then took a peak inside and saw a faint golden scribble on the first page of the cracked brown-ish journal. My eyes grew wide when I realize what was written inside.

"Jung Maya?"


Now I know what you're all thinking..

Why aren't you returning it back to her?

Don't you know it's rude to read someone else's diary?

That is an invasion of privacy,
you fool.

Well I just can't help it, okay? After what happened that day, a strong sense of curiosity about her sparked inside of me. I wanted to know more about Maya. Who is she? Where did she come from? How did she managed to take my luggage (yes I'm still petty about it), why is she the person that she is right now? And as if the universe couldn't be more obvious on giving me the green light, boom!

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