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SWASAN Manzil Pyar Ka💏💞💖 #IRS


Past continues.. 


(Sunaina tells about sanky promotion to surove. She talks while walking on road.
sanky sees this n goes to them.but some boys comes near sursun n teases them.surove gets angry seeing this but Sunaina controls her)

(sanky gets angry  seeing them.surove gets hyper n sighs one boy to come near her.sanky becomes confused but next minute TASH.surove slaps the boy hard.n catches his collar n kicks on main point. Sanky n the boys becomes shocked seeing this Sanky becomes shocked n says)

Sanky (shock):omg .I says her Hitler just like that.but she is really a hitler.

Surive (catching boys collar):u idiot moron.will u tease girls again?

Boy (becomes shocked n says):sorry sister.plz leave me.

Surive:wt do u think of urself ha.will u again wink to any girl

Boy (crys):sister plz sorry.i won't even wink to my wife also.plz leave me.

(Sunaina enjoys seeing all this.sanky becomes shocked)

Surove turn

Boy (confused ):but y sister

Surove :will u turn or. .n she raises her hand to beat him.boy gets scared

Boy (scared):kk sister.

(N turns around. Sanky is now in front of the boys.sunsur both kicks the boy n he lands on both fell down.sursun sees this n laughs)

(Sanky comes to sense listening their laughs.he gets up n joins them)

Sanky:wow ur really a Hitler.

Surove glares him.he becomes quite.later all leaves from there.


(Sanky tells about his double promotion to everyone. N says about party also.he goes to his room to get ready. Just then he gets a call)

Phone conversation

Sanky :hello

OP:hello kavitha

Sanky:o hi boss.

Kavitha:when will u reach??

Sanky :I'm just leaving boss.

Kavitha :k Mr.maheshwari ....n cuts the call n smiles evily.


Kavitha 's farm house

(Sanky comes there n goes inside.but sees everything is dark there)

Sanky:y is it dark here.did I came to any wrong address?

(Just then he hears Kavitha voice)

Kavitha :welcome Mr.maheshwari

Sanky:thanks boss.but wts this darkness.

Kavitha:don't worry Mr.maheshwari .light also will come.

(N she comes in front of her.sanky becomes shocked bcoz Kavitha is wearing a single piece short dress.sge comes close to him)

Sanky (shock n embrass ):boss wt is this

Kavitha :common Mr.maheshwari. just feel free

(comes more closer to him.n trails her finger on his face.sanky becomes uncomfortable n steps back but she pulls him towards her more.he becomes uncomfortable by seeing her so close to him n jerks her hand n says)

Sanky:boss wt r u doing. I don't like all this.

Kavitha(naughty ):oh common Mr.maheshwari I gave u double promotion for this only.(Comes more close to him n keeps her hand on his chest)I gave to happiness  na  (opens his first button of shirt)n u make me happy.

(Sanky becomes shocked n numb.he don't understand wt to do.he comes to his sense when Kavitha removes his second button. he removes her hand n buttons it n says)

Sanky:boss wt r u saying.

Kavitha:jaan plz now stop this drama ..

(n catches his shoulder romantically. sanky jerks her hand )

Sanky:boss. Ur mistaken. I'm not that type of person.

Kavitha  (Lil angry but composes her self):all will say like that only in starting....

(comes closer n catches his collar ..pulls him n says)n I promise this will be b/w us only.if u want I'm ready to marry u.

(Sanky becomes shocked n pushes her.she stumbles n falls down)

Sanky :have u gone can u even think like that?n for ur kind information I love some other girl.n I'll marry her only.

(Now kavitha angry reaches to peak n pushes him.he falls on sofa.kavitha comes on top of her  n says)

Kavitha:idiot. Y r u back of that middle class girl.if u marry me I'll make u prince...

(now he gets more angry n push her with all force .she falls down n gets hurt)

Sanky:ur my boss that's y I'm not saying anything.  N ha I don't want ur money. I want only my sunaina. N goes from there angrily.

(Kavitha becomes mad n shouts)

Kavitha (shouts ):U bloody. U rejected me.kavitha reddy...ur have to pay for not gonna leave u.u r so proud of ur love see wt I'll do...n smiles evily.

Surove house

(Sursun r seen  having dinner .they hears a knock)

Surove:lo here come ur idiot manju.

Sunaina  (Lil shy):stop it sur. U have ur dinner.ill c...

(goes n opens the door ..gets shocked seeing the person in front of her)
(She Is non other than kavitha)

Sunaina  (shocked):boss u this time.

(Surove also gets shocked listening this n comes there)

Surove (shock):boss do u have any work?

(Kavitha come inside  n tells them to sit..makes sunaina sit beside her n keeps her hand on her shoulder  Sursun becomes shocked n confused seeing this)

Kavitha :actually surove I have a work with sunaina not u.

(Sursun becomes more confused)

Kavitha:arey dint get confused. I'll come directly to the point.

Sunaina  (confuse ):boss wt r u saying. I'm not getting u.

Kavitha :don't worry dear.ill tell u.

(N calls driver.driver comes with a suitcase  n keeps there. Kavitha opens it n keeps in front of sunaina. Sursun becomes shocked seeing suitcase full of money)

Kavitha :take this dear. U can  spend ur whole life happily with this money.

Surove:but boss.y r u giving this much money to us?

sunaina :ha boss y??

Kavitha:u know wt guys. If we want something in life we should leave something. But here it's not like that. U will get it n in reverse I want sanskar..

(Sursun becomes shocked n confused listening this)

Kavitha  (attitude ):u have to accept this deal.n if u don't na then I'll make ur n sanky's life hell.

(Now sursun becomes shocked .sunaina gets afraid n  thinks wt to do now)

(Screen freezes on sursun tensed faces n kavitha evily smirk faces)

Past to be continued ..

*will sunaina accept kavitha's deal?

*Does sanky comes to know about kavitha evil plan??

So guys  here is next part n ha past part will end in next now plz give ur feedback if this part  silent readers also plz do comments.

Thank you

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