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SWASAN Manzil Pyar Ki..💏💞💖 By IRS


After finishing their dance everyone conglacleate them

After sometime the party will finished and mageshwari family leave from there


after reaching home everyone say good night to each other and go to their room


SWASAN both get fresh up and swara go to bed for sleep

Sanky: thank u swara

Swara: thank u for wt

Sanky:whatever u done the party

Swara: what do u mean

Sanky:I mean for me u speak against ur mom and say so many thing to the lady

Swara:sanskar I don't do any faver.I just do my duty that's it.

Sanky confuse

Swara: I know I promice u that I will never ask u my rights being a wife.but for this world I'm ur wife and the daughter-in-law in this, I have some duty and I need to furthfull them.

After listening this sanskar feel proud of her.

He feel something different which he won't fell till now

he think swara is making some place on his mind.

Swara: what happend sanskar

Sanky: nathing

Swara nods

Sanky: I will try my level best to keep u happy.And yeh I'm going to sleep on sofa

Swara got shock surprise nd big happy mix expression.

because for the first time sanskar is saying something good about her.

she is in 7th clouded and she think

"omg what did I heard just now sanskar is saying this about me omg someone please pinch me"

suddenly swara pinch herself as a result she screm and sansky became shock

Sanky:what happend??

Swara:(shock)ntng saying she smile and go to bed

sansky became confused

Nxt day




Swara is in bed and sanskar is in sofa.

sunraise fall on swara's eyes which made her wake up.

she wake up and rubbring her eyes and the first this she saw its her hubby who is sleeping in sleep

sansky look so cute swara can't control herself so she get up from bed and went near the sofa and sit infont of sansky and start looking him

while looking at him she come so close to sanky and she don't even realize what is she doing all of sudden sanky feel hot beath near his face.

sansky open his eyes that time her lips touch his lips.

swara kiss his lips she is fully lost in the kiss

Suddenly someone keep his hand on her shoulder than she come out from her dream(lol it was a dream :-P )

she look at the persone its none other than sanky she feel shock, embaressmen and shy

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