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Swasan Manzil Pyar ki... By Imran

Part -31

Police station

Sanky is being taken into cell .

den  shekar, Adi n Panku comes there.

Sanky feels relaxed seeing them .

Shekar :sanskar wt happened. N wts all this?

Adi:ha Ya say na wt happened n wts this u in  police station

Before Sanky sees they hear a voice calling him.
All turns n sees Swara there

Swara(cry):sanskar.. Sanskar

Sanky becomes shocked seeing Swara.

Swara comes near him n says

Swara:sanskar wts all this. N u here in police station. U r ok na.. N she cups his face n checks.

Sanky feels happy seeing swaras care for him.

Shekar:swara beta. Dont worry .stay calm
Swara :how paps. How can I stay calm when my husband is in jail.

Panku :Swara if u get worried like this then how will u get sanskar out

Now Swara calms herself n goes to police.

Swara:insepctor y did u arrest my husband. Y has he done that u arrested him?

Inspector :c madam ur husband is arrested on crime on doing theft of 20 lakhs n printing duplicate notes.

All r shocked.

Shekar :20 lakhs robbery n that too sanskar. No.. No inspector. Ur mistaken. Sanskar is not like that person.

Inspector :sir I'm doing my work. So plz

Shekar :c inspector. I'm owner of SSC company n he is my employer. N I have that money to him. So u release him now. This is b/w us. We will clear it.

Inspector :im sry sir but we have a compliant against him.

All shock.

Swara sees shekar thinking if he did this compliant .

Shekar : how gave it

"I gave complaint against him"comes a voice.

All turns n gets shocked seeing Shomi there

Shekar :shomi


Shomi:yes me

Shekar:y did u complain against him?

Shomi:bcoz my 20% shares r in that money.

Shekar :Shomi u know sanskar can't do anything like that

Shomi :plz shekar. I don't have faith on this middle class people.

Now Swara understoods it's all Shomi plan.

Swara:paps u plz call the lawyer n get sanskar out from here.

Shekar :ha beta.

Insepctor:no use Mr. Singhania

All shock

Inspector : bcoz it's about duplicate money. U know ki Aise many has been arrested for this. N we have to produce them in court. So I think u can do something there only


All station shock.

Sanskar gets double shock seeing her care n love.

Swara :inspector plz say any way through which I can get him out.

Inspector :only one way

Shomi shock

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