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SWASAN Manzil Pyar Ki... by Imran



Shomi nd laksh look each other & laugh continously

Shomi: u r very good actor laksh

Laksh: u also aunty

den both give hifi & smile again

Shomi: u sit I will bring juice fo u


One unknown person is standing outside sankys home slowly he go towards the door that time swara come there so he hide himself seeing swara.

swara first confused but she think may be she swa him somewhere that time sujju call her & she go inside as soon as she go inside the person again come and look inside the home

Sujju: Swara I cut some fruit  u plz feed sanskar I m going Sunita's home

Swara: why mom

Sujju: actually beta she help us a lot so I'm going to thank her I will come soon ok

swara nods yes sujju leave

Sujju is coming outside the unknown person swa sujju coming so he hide

Swara: swara took the fruit (suddenly she think something nd hit herself) ur such a dumb u don't thank the person who admit sanskar to the hospital. let laksh come I will ask him who was she/he than I will thank her... nd she leave to her room


Shomi give juice to laksh & sit with him

Shomi: (drinking juice) our plan is going good. thank u so much laksh for helping me

Laksh: aunty plz don't thank me I'm here to help u only ( yes guys shomi call laksh)

Shomi: at list u know how the middle class people is

Laksh nods yes

Shomi: everyone threat him like god but I think he is less then a servent god know why shekar trust him

Laksh: don't wary aunty I'm here. one middle class girl  insult me without any reason from that time I hate muddle class person & now its time to show swara how they r actually

Shomi: yes laksh by the way ur too good ( laksh look at shome) I mean all of sudden u meet swara then go to her in-laws

Laksh: but ur call made me sceared ( yes guy's when laksh first go to swaras home sujju say him to did dinner with them but he say he have a meeting the meeting was with shomi  I hope u all r remember )

Shomi: it's ok. U manage it…

Laksh: ya but our birtday plan was fail. we want Swara to realise that sanky won't desurb her but it was spoil

Shomi: ya laksh I try many time but Swra alwaya support sanskar huh... I don't know how to tell swara that he is not for her & the middle class people they r too much god knows what they did with my family

Laksh: don't wary aunty we will do something

Shomi: now what?? we have to keep clam for sometime

Laksh: why aunty

Shomi: because of the accident. now Swara don't leave alone sanskar for a min(suddenly she think something) one min laksh is the accident

Laksh: yes aunty

Shomi first shock letter smirk

Shomi: not bad laksh

Laksh: what to do swara don't want to leave sanskar infact all time my sanskah blah blah……so I thought

Shomi: let's kill him plan was good but it won't wark

Laksh shock surprised

Shomi: yes laksh we can't do it if we do it swara will stop with sanskars memories & we don't want it we have to do something which made swara hate him

Laksh: this is not possible

Shomi: laksh

Laksh: sry aunty but I tell the truth anyway did u think anything

shomi thinking

Laksh: Swara can't hate sanskar she loves him madly

Shomi: I know that

Laksh: so now.. shomi start thinking then she get a idea

Shomi: I have a plan

Laksh: what aunty

Shomi tell him the plan

Laksh: r u sure aunty if we do that then sanskar hate swara

Shomi: 100% karega.. nd she smirk



Sanky is seting on bed & thinking about their moments. he is thinking how much swara love him that time swara come with fruit sanky see her & feel happy.

he don't know why he feel happy when he see her. he feel like he is see the most beautiful thing in this world.

swara come near him & sit beside him & start feeding him fruit. sanky continously seeing her. he open his mouth while seeing swara

Swara notice sanky & see he is looking at her. she look on his eyes & both lost in each other eyes. both lost on their own world.

that time pari come there & smile seeing the love birds & go without distrubing them but our Radio sujju come there on wrong time & nock the door.

SWASAN come out from their world. sanky close his mouth & swara mistakely feed the frut on sanky nose ;-P  aur radio sujju swa it & go from there smiling. swasan look each other & smile

Swara: sry actually

Sanky: it's ok Swara I will eat

Swara: no I will feed u

Sanky: no plz give it to me

Swara: promise this time I will not feed u r nose….

Sanky look at her nd smile den swara feed him the fruit & thinking maybe sanskar start falling on him otherside sanky thing maybe he got habbiten of swara……


Laksh: I don't thing it going to work we have to think something else

Shomi: no laksh it will work

Laksh thinking

Shomi: now what r u thinking

Laksh: nathing aunty I'm thinking about the  unknown person

Shomi: which one

Laksh: that one who admit sanskar to the hospital

Shomi: leave it who ever he is but he did right

Laksh nods

Shomi: now go & start working on our plan

Laksh nods yes nd leave

Shomi: now I will see how the middle class people stay with us... nd she smile evily...

Episode End

Prcp: with big shock u can't imagine that


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