A Lost Boy

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(A/N: Sorry so sorry.. I know most of you want to kill me for not updating soon this chapter took too long and I had too little time. But this is very, very, very, very, very long. There's literally 42564 words on here. Again sorry anyway enjoy hope you like this chapter)

Erza Point of Veiw:

I stood there and watched what was going on there were flames engulfing Gray, Natsu stood there and smiled as if he enjoyed watching Gray suffer, and I just stood there processing what just happened 'It was friendly fight and then Natsu just used cursed magic, and Gray screaming in pain, wait is that Natsu.' I looked to see the change in his eyes they were crimson like flames were in them, 'I have to stop this situation' I thought, I moved a step, then I saw a glare from Natsu, it made me freeze, 'Do I fear Natsu' I thought.

"STOP IT!!" I heard I yell, it was Lucy, she looked worried and fear 'Fear or worry from Natsu or fear and worry for what's happening to Gray' I thought, "Stop it please" She whimpered, Natsu quickly stopped his magic, and his eyes turned back to his normal color, he looked shocked form what he done, he then curl up to a round ball. 

I looked to see Gray on the floor, his body was a little burnt but I could see a layer of frost around him, Juvia ran to him and quickly picked him up placing his head on her lap while she was crying, I had ran up to Gray too kneeled beside him, Gray opened his eyes, "What happened?" He asked, Juvia smiled and hugged him tight."Hey! Hey! Don't hold on me too tight I feel as if my magic is being adsorbed " He said and then he had an serious look, "Where's Natsu?" Gray asked, we all darted our eyes at Natsu, he was crying and mumbling words I can't put out.

He the spoke clearly  and said "I'm Sorry !" and then he took a deep breath "I'm sorry!" He shouted and kept on saying it, until he was starting to hyperventilating, he was having mental break down and all we could do was watch, 'What just happened' I asked.

The Lucy walked up to him, I was about to say something but she hugged him, "Shhh" she shushed him up and gently patted his head, "It's okay it's okay don't fret I'm here" she said, he stopped hyperventilating, and he rest his head on Lucy.

"Zeref~nii I'm sorry " he whispered, and quickly fell asleep, I looked to see everyone shocked, worried, and a frightened blue Exceed.

"Erza" Juvia called out my name, I looked at her, "What do we do now?" She asked, I thought would we could do but nothing would have worked.

"I don't know" I whispered and I saw Master Makarov, he looked upset 'I had failed us, no I had failed Natsu.. agian' I thought and slowly tear went dropping from my eye.


Natsu Point Of View: ( Starting From Where Erza Point Of Veiw)

I watched as I torture the Ice mage, I felt I was enjoying it, the screams he let out, the pain he was suffering it was enjoyable, but it didn't feel right, I saw the red head move I glared at her she was ruining my fun, she frozed, 'Was she afaird of me' I thought.

Then I heard a lady cry out "STOP IT!!" I looked to find Anna she had mix emotion of fear and worry, and the she said it again in a whimper, I didn't like that face so stopped, I felt shocked at what I've done, I hurt a person so badly, 'I'm a monster' I thought. I didn't care what was going around me, the whispers the talking all I could think about was 'What will Zeref~nii think about me now and Anna too' I thought.

"I'm sorry" I mumbled, "I'm sorry" I said again I took a deep breath  "I'm Sorry" I shouted, I kept on saying it again and agian, hoping to get answer but they still looked at me as if I was a monster, I felt as if I was chocking, I couldn't breath correctly, I was taking all the oxygen I could get, it hurts so much 'Stop it please' I asked in my mind, and then someone saved me.

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