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Baby woke up in her room. She got up and walked out into the hallway and into Ballora's room "Hey Baby!" Ballora said brushing her animatronic teeth. "Hey Ballor--" before Baby could say what she wanted to she vomited all over Ballora. "Baby!" she shrieked "You vomited all over me!" she screamed everyone came running into the room! Ennard questioned "Baby are you okay?" Baby licked her lips and said "I don't feel so good..." Ballora screamed"NO CRAP SHERLOCK!!!!" Ennard stood calm and told Ballora "You shouldn't scream at a sick person, and go get washed up, you look disgusting," "Fine... Only cause you asked," Ballora ran out of the room to the washroom to clean up. Then Baby vomited again this time on the floor, Ennard stated "Maybe it's best if you stay in the bathroom," "Okay," Baby replied heading to the washroom. Baby spotted a slot and above it it said (Put one dollar in and get a pregnancy test!) so Baby put in a dollar and she got a pregnancy test. She went into a stall and tested it, she blushed really red like a tomato and she looked around and saw it said positive she screamed in her head. She ran out of the bathroom as fast as she could and hugged Ennard and yelled "I'M PREGNANT!!!!" "What? How'd you know?" "I took a "very expensive test" and it said it was positive!" Ennard was really happy.

-Guys what gender should it be anyone can say which they prefer kizzxoxoes  can and Rosie833  can anyone who follows me or anyone else who doesn't- can! Remember this is your choice of the gender the baby is going to be love you all Goldie out! Meow!😹😻

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