Pregnant AGAIN!?!?

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CandyDropMix Suggested Aster and Nori a while ago so I decided to name the new baby Aster!
Writing like this because it's easier! And I need to rest my arms they hurt 😅 also there is a swearing warning!

(Babys POV)
I woke up from our lovely night we had, I look over to see Ennard asleep, I try to sit up when pain shoots through me, 'Fuck' I thought and laid back down, I try to get up off the bed and I successfully do, I sigh and go to the bathroom, I purchase a "very expensive test" just in case I go into the stall and use the test, I get up and open the stall door quickly, I feel angry and I don't know why, then I feel something hot crawl up my throat, I run into the stall, I lean over the toilet and puke, 'at least it wasn't on Ballora like last time...' I thought, I wipe my mouth off from the gross stench, I walk over to the sink and brush my teeth so my breath doesn't smell like puke, (ewww) I check the test and sure enough... IM PREGNANT AGAIN! I run into our room and jump onto Ennard, he gets scared and jumps then he groans, "What a way to wake up..." "IM PREGNANT ENNARD" he stares at me for a couple of seconds, then he looks at the test, "YAAAAY!" He throws his hands up in the air ecstatically! I laugh at his gesture, then worry covers my face, Ennard sees this, "What's wrong baby?" He asks, I break out in tears, he hugs me close to him and shushes me, "D-Damn mood swings" I stutter, he chuckles to himself, "E-Ennard I want ice cream!" I yell, he grins then leaves the room, a few minutes later he comes into the room with a big tub of strawberry ice cream with sweets and chocolate in it, I squeal like a little girl and snatch the ice cream out of his hands and devour it like I haven't eaten in years, he laughs and pats my head, like the moody teen I am I slap his hand away, "Fuck away from my ice-cream" thinking he'll steal my ice cream away, he laughs harder and leaves the room, I watch Netflix for a couple hours, -Mostly sad movies so I sob- (me Irl)

9 months later because I'm lazy as fuuuuuuq

I scream loudly, my water just broke, I hear a whole bunch of feet running to my room, the door slams open and Ennard realizes what's wrong, "Funtime Freddy take care of our kids, Funtime Foxy take care of your kid, NOW GO!" Ennard orders, They both scurry to get our kids and leave, Meanwhile Ennard tells me to breathe,

Few mins L8ter

I breathe heavily, I hold my baby boy in my arms, "Let's name him.. Aster," I breathlessly say, Ennard nods in agreement "I like it!" He exclaims, the whole room slowly gets dark, and my breathing slows, I fall asleep,

POTATOES ARE GREAT! Sorry I had to get that out... Anyways! Thanks for the name suggestion tbh I love that name! Love you guys! And 3 children? Holy ffffffuuuuuuuuuuuudge that's a handful... But a Nori is coming soon 😜 hope this was worth the wait! Annnnd bai! 562 words Yay!

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