Chapter 1- Recap

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As the plane cut into the big ominous clouds, David shifted in his seat. He couldn't help but feel guilty of leaving his "sister" behind. Hula barked at the sound of thunder. "Calm down. It's just a storm."

Miss Phoenix patted his shoulder in sympathy, "We'll be landing shortly. If you'd like to watch some videos we collected from your old house, I'd gladly play them for you."

"I better not," He picked Hula up with care. He examined her missing leg, and a flood of memories rushed to his mind and thoughts. "Where will I be staying?"

"I don't know if telling you now will help you any. You'll be staying in a very remote place. A small town filled with nice people. You'll attend a high school and have a nice job at a local coffee shop. I hope you don't mind living alone."

He nodded, "I'll have Hula." He turned to her sharply, "Miss Phoenix I trust you won't let her find me."

Miss Phoenix smiled, "David your location will be hidden, trust me."

David turned again to the window. "Its crazy isn't it. My home was attacked. I started my own small base. I went on this crazy adventure with magic and my sister- well she found out she wasn't my sister. We took down the bad guy. All Eve needs to do is find our family. I can't believe in a hour I'll be a normal teenager working to make coffee."

"I'm sorry.."

David laughed, "Don't be. This is my choice after all. I'm just glad Eve got to find out the truth. I never knew her family was so messed up!"

"There's much that Eve doesn't know yet. I was going to tell her, but she ran off. If only Mr. Adam were awake this would be much easier."

"Don't worry Miss Phoenix I'm sure you'll wing it!" He winked.

"You always know how to lighten the mood huh?" She chuckled walking back to the front of the plane.

"Bark! Bark!" Hula wagged her tail.

"Forgetting everything is not so scary," he laughed nervously.

Knock, knock!

"Oh, come in," Matt finished unpacking the last of his stuff.

"Matt where's Eve?" Bailee practically knocked the door down.

He turned, "I thought she stayed at the hospital with David."

"David left this morning Matt. Have you heard anything from her?" Bailee started to breath heavily.

"I'm sure she's still at the hospital Bailee. Don't over react."

She bit her bottom lip, "No, let's go check. Just to be sure okay."

"Fine. Let me get my jacket, and we'll get going."

"Don't bother." They both turned to see Raven leaning against the door.

Amber stepped in behind her, "We just went to see Mr. Adam. She's not there."

Bailee's eyes shot up at Matt, "You don't think Blaine came back-"

"Don't be silly Bailee. I'm sure she just went for fresh air." Matt tossed his jacket back down.

"Eve's a trouble maker, but she can handle herself. Lee, relax she's got this. She'll be back by tomorrow," Raven took Amber's hand.

Matt smiled, "Are you two-"

"Will all Hunters and Huntresses report to the auditorium!" The speakers buzzed in. The four of them walked into the hallway. All the kids that were at their old base moved here with a couple of new kids that joined. The new base was bigger in comparison to the old one that got destroyed. In fact the inside was way fancier than the old one.

On the other hand, the outside was a complete mess. It looked ridiculously small and run down. It was like an abandoned supermarket. There were no other buildings in sight. All there was was a long dirt road. Every base had it's way of being secrete.

Once the four of them reached the auditorium, the place looked completely full. They sat in the back, barely able to see the teachers standing next to the podium. There was a lot of talking and whispering going on between students. That all stopped when a teacher put her hand up.

"Students! Please! Keep your voices down. Please welcome Miss Mara," she announced as a tall lady strut on stage. She looked really fit and tan like she's been trained since birth. Her black hair was tied in a tight bun.

"Hello I'm Mara. I hope I can make each and everyone of you like me. I wish to be your new dean. Where's your dean? She seems to be missing," her words seemed to cause everyone to start whispering.

"I heard she's going to kill off the freak's brother."

"Wait that hag wouldn't even spare the human boy? Why didn't she just kill the cursed one?"

"She's such a terrible dean. Didn't she leave right after things got complicated? Mara has my vote."

Bailee stood up, "She's off dropping off David at his new home. May I remind everyone she saved our lives. I'm glad we even have a dean like her."

Everyone turned to her quietly. She blushed and sat back down.

Mara smiled, "I didn't mean it to sound offensive towards Miss Phoenix. I wanted to meet her because I've heard so much about her. I think we'll get along."

"That's a lie," Raven mumbled.

"I'll be teaching combat this year since our former teacher has...passed away." There was an awkward silence in the room. "I hope I'll be able to help all of you, and I can't wait to see you in my class tomorrow."

"This lady gives me bad vibes," Amber clung to Raven's arm.

"Yeah me too. What about you guys?" Raven turned to Bailee who was already making a list of things she dislikes about Mara.

Matt smirked, "She's just another sassy teacher. You guys really need to calm down."

"She said she didn't mean to be offensive, but I could see through her dirty lies. Just look at that face she made. I can't believe her!"

"Bailee that was so cool how you stood up for our dean," Amber complimented her, "It did sound like she was trying to say bad things about Miss Phoenix."

"I'm so glad someone agreed," Bailee rolled her eyes. She made a sharp turn into someone. Someone she didn't like.

"M- Mara, Hi!"

"Why hello. I've heard lots about you Bailee. You are such a hit over here I just had to meet you too. Your passion for your dean is so strong. Makes me wonder what else you're passionate about. Why don't we talk in my classroom?"

"" Bailee glared back at her friends. They all shrugged. "Okay."

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