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"Once upon a time," Michael's daddy spoke, holding a candle between him and his son as his wife lit up more scented candles behind them. "There was a rainstorm."

Michael pulled his blanket up to his chin, staring at his dad with wide eyes as the light illuminated his features dimly. He couldn't see his teasingly smile as he told the scary story, and he felt his heart race.

"The rainstorm was strong and it blew down light posts and trees. Whoosh." He continued, trying to mimic the sound of wind blowing and trees crashing.

"Was there lightning, daddy?" The frightened seven-year-old asked, and his dad nodded.

"Lots of lightning. So much lightning, you can see it light up the ground. They were so big, they almost touched the ground too." He explained, his voice hushed as he tried to spook the child on his lap.

Michael whimpered in fear, shaking as his dad told him a story. A scary story. His mum laughed, but didn't comment on her husband's unfair shenanigans.

"There was a boy outside of his house during a storm because he loved the rain, just a little boy. And no matter how many times his mummy told him to stay inside, he didn't listen to her." His dad tsk'ed and Michael shook his head, torn between wanting to listen and wanting to hide in his mummy's coat.

"And one day, when he was playing outside, there was a big gust of wind. It blew over a tree-"

"What happened to him?" Michael whispered since they had big trees in their front yard, and his dad sighed quietly.

"The boy was trapped underneath the tree, and no one could get him out! He was stuck!" He exclaimed and Michael felt his tummy twist. "If only he listened to his mummy, huh?"

Michael nodded, curling into his dad's side as he pulled the blanket over his head as thunder roared from outside. "After no one could get him out, he died. No more playing outside, going to school, and eating ice cream."


"The parents were so sad, that they had to leave." Michael's dad told him, and Michael looked up at him, peeking his eyes out of his blanket.

"Did he become a-a ghost?"

"Mhm." Daryl nodded and felt the bed dip in beside him. "He had to stay there too, he couldn't see his mummy or daddy anymore."

Michael hugged his dad and the older man laughed. "When a new family moved into the house, the boy was mad. Why could that boy see his mummy and daddy, but he couldn't?"

"Cause he's dead!" Michael cried and his dad bounced the child on his leg. "Did he hurt him?"

"One night, when a bad storm was happening, the little boy went into the new boy's room, hiding under the bed until he was ready to sleep. It was dark, only three candles lighting the room up." Daryl depicted their very own bedroom, three lit candles in a pitch black room.

"When the little boy laid down to sleep, he felt someone slowly touch his back." Michael's dad neared the end of his story, running his finger up Michael's spine slowly. "Then finally, finally, when the boy turned around - boo! There he was."

Michael screamed when his dad shined a flashlight on his face, jumping off of his daddy's lap and crawling to his mum, who scolded her husband. "That's not nice." She hit his arm and Dayl laughed loudly as Michael cried into his mum's coat.

"Don't let him get me, mummy!" Michael sniffled, shaking in her arms as he heard thunder over his cries. "Please!"

"He's not going to get you, baby." Karen promised, kissing his head gently. "Your dad is just being mean. Ghosts aren't real."

"Or are they?" He asked and Michael let out another shout as his dad grabbed him, squeezing his sides. "Got ya'!"

"Daryl, stop it!" Karen demanded and took the flashlight from him. "Give me him."

She took Michael from him and the boy clutched on to her. "Shh, it's okay sweetheart. Don't listen to daddy, he's wrong. Ghosts aren't real."

Michael didn't believe her, shaking wildly as he covered his body inside of a blanket. "I'll be a good boy, I promise. Don't let him get me."

"No more playing outside in the rain?"

"No-No more." Michael rushed and his mum chuckled as she rubbed his back. "I'm sorry."

"Good, if you keep playing outside, maybe you'll be the one who turns into a ghost." She laughed and Michael shook his head quickly.

"Don't let me be a ghost. I don't want to be a a ghost!" He cried, tears rolling down his cheeks. "No!"

"Then listen to your mummy and daddy, okay?" Daryl pressed and Michael promised he would never ever ever be bad again.

Seven Devils // lashton/mukeWhere stories live. Discover now