chapter two

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The school was just as strange as he expected, and he had spent all day wondering why the seats by the windows were always vacant. In every class he had, they were empty, but in classes he passes by, no one seemed to care. Were the people in his class so afraid of sunlight that they had to hide in every other corner of the room? He hates being outside too, but not that much.

It's hilarious even, that at least one of those desks by the window had queer and fag engraved inside of them by the top. Michael made sure to pick that desk especially, deciding that it would be the easiest to find his desk. It's not like anyone sits there anyways, so he didn't have to worry about someone taking it.

Besides, he is queer, might as well let the class know.

His last period was the worst, a psychology class that was full of loud mouths assholes, and that one kid that pushed him in the morning. He must have been a popular kid, everyone laughing and joking with him about anything and everything. Typical. The dicks are always the popular kids.

The teacher had given up on teaching the class ten minutes ago, and now she just sat at her desk reading some newspaper. She didn't so much as look up from the print once, and Michael could feel his eye twitch in pure blow irritation and aggrivation.

What the fuck does she get paid for if she isn't teaching?

He threw his head on to the desk, tugging on his hair as he heard that one bitch giggled at a joke that wasn't even remotely funny again. That was the tenth time in the past fifteen minutes, will the dude just learn how to tell a decent joke already? Michael just wanted to learn about depression or whatever the hell psychology was. It was like talking about feelings and shit, right?

Fuck, it doesn't even matter, it's not like he's going to learn it anyways.

He looked outside of the window, finding nothing but trees and field. He could see the PE class outside doing their exercises, and he could also see a figure standing by the edge of the woods. He stood still, and was also too far away for Michael to tell if he was staring inside of the dark woods or at the school.

Probably some hunter, he thought as he rolled his eyes. People were disgusting, who shoots animals for fun?

Fifteen minutes passed, meaning the period was halfway over and all he's done is criticize the kids in his class, trace the word queer on his desk with a blue sharpie, and curse at a man by the woods. He was getting fed up at this point, why the hell did he come to school if he was going to just sit and do nothing?

"Are we going to fucking learn anything?" Michael snapped, and the class quieted down. "What is psychology? What does it even mean?"

"It is the study of the human mind and it's functions, how it works and what it does." The teacher spoke, but didn't look up from some magazine with one of the Kardashian-Jenner family. He didn't know which one, they all looked the same to him.

"Okay, so let's learn psychology, not the chemistry between two overly hormonal teenagers - and I'm looking at you two, who are literally swallowing each other whole!" He shouted irritatedly, throwing his hands into the air before crossing his arms over his chest. He gave a quick glare at ths couple who just sat and made out the entire period so far, and they went bright red. "Tell us about this stuff! Just teach us something before I start counting the tiles on the floor!"

The teacher looked at him, and then over the entire class, before nodding her head. She pushed her glasses higher up her nose and then cleared her throat. "I did have a project for the class." She spoke and immediately got a chorus of groans and swears.

"What the fuck, new kid?" That one boy who pushed him earlier, asked loudly. "Keep your big mouth shut."

"Well, what's the project?" Michael asked, ignoring the boy who was shooting daggers at him.

"Well, it's not a project, it's a paper." She told him and even louder groans of disinterest and irritated filled the room.

"Fucking new kid." Some girl complained and Michael rolled his eyes as he clenched his fists tightly. "Shut up."

"I'm trying to graduate, so shut the fuck up yourself." He snapped at her, and then looked at the teacher. "What's the paper on?"

"Well, it's a project and a paper." She decided and Michael desperately wanted to fling himself outside of the window right about now.

It's a damn good thing it's sixth period.


When school was over, the same guy from the morning incident pushed him again, making him stumble forward. "Thank a fucking lot faggot, couldn't just keep your mouth shut? Now we have a ton of shit to do." He hissed and Michael pulled his back over his shoulder tighter.

"Good, I'm saving you from getting fucking chlamydia, thank me." Michael rolled his eyes and then walked away from the school.

"Who the fuck do you think you are?" The kid asked and Michael turned around as the boy pulled him backwards roughly.

"Listen, today has been a shitfest and I'm so damn close to flinging someone into a busy street. Leave me alone and suck it up. It's highschool, no one likes work but we have to do it." Michael sneered, immediately yanked his shoulder from the dude's grasp.

Michael began his walk back home, the autumn sun beating down abnormally hard. It shouldn't be ninety-degrees in September, but it is and he just wants to go home and eat ice cream while Skyping Ashley. After today, he believes he deserves it.

The walk was quicker than he remembered from six hours ago, and on the way back, he saw that one guy who was outside of his house. Only this time, he was mowing his already finely trimmed lawn while wearing all black.

Could he get any weirder?

"Hey!" The guy smiled, and Michael gave him a forced grin before quickly pulling his house keys out. "You new around here?"

"Sure." Michael called back simply, hoping the dude would take a hint and leave him alone. He wasn't in the mood for conversation, especially with the guy who was staring at his house for God knows how long this morning.

"It's a nice day out." The stranger again tried striking a conversation, but Michael just wasn't interested.


Michael finally got his door open, and he walked inside quickly as he let out a breath of relief. He locked the door after shutting it, tossing his bag on the couch before running towards the fridge. He didn't bother grabbing the ice cream scoop or a bowl, he just yanked the tub out and grabbed spoon.

He ran upstairs, but on his way up, he heard rattling and quiet sounds. It kind of sounded like someone was here, and he shivered as chills ran down his spine. "Hello?" He called and looked around. "Is anyone here?"

No one answered, and he walked towards his parents bedroom. He opened the door, peeking his head inside. "Really?" He asked, wondering if they really left the TV on.

His dad could be so careless sometimes.

He quickly turned it off, rolling his eyes as he left the room. He still had the slight chill, a quiet voice in his head telling him that it wasn't the TV making the noises he heard, but he ignored it as he headed to his room. Who would break into their house? They had the crappiest car outside and Michael wore a jacket that was more ripped then Dwayne Johnson.

He opened the door to his room, shutting it happily as he jumped on to his bed. Instead of being met with the soft blankets and mattress, he felt a lump on the bed and the sound of someone groaning in pain.

He jumped off of the bed, and looked at it, finding at blonde boy dressed in ripped black jeans and a black t-shirt. Michael screamed loudly as blue eyes met his, and he tossed the bucket of ice cream at the unknown boy before running towards his door.

Seven Devils // lashton/mukeWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu