chapter one

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"I'm not so sure about this new school," Michael told his friend Ashley over the phone as he fixed his hair, which was it's natural colour of dark blonde. "I met some kids down the block and they're kinda dicks."

"I'm a dick."

"Yeah, but you're a good dick." Michael whined and she scoffed. "You're the honest kind of dick. These guys are the asshole kind of dicks."

"Oh. Well, just stay away from them. They can't all be bad people." She assured and Michael sighed as he agreed half heartedly. "Just be yourself."

"Thanks for the most generic advice ever." He huffed as he pulled his distressed, denim jacket down a bit. "I gotta go. I start in ten minutes, I'll call you later."

"You better." She warned and Michael laughed. "I wrote a song and you need to hear it."

"I'd be honored to listen to the Ashley Frangipane sing me a song she wrote." He teased and then pulled his backpack over his shoulder. "Later loser."

"Bye bitch." She returned and Michael gasped as she hung up the phone.

"Urgh, rude." He murmured before shoving his phone in his back pocket. He did one last check on his clothes, and then turned around.

He heard something fall to the floor and he turned around, finding that his hair straightener had fallen. He huffed, picking it up quickly before tossing it on to his bed. "Piece of shit." He murmured and then made his way to the door. He shut it behind him, immediately walking downstairs to the kitchen to grab an apple for the walk.

On his way out, he found a boy standing outside his yard, staring directly at his house. "Hello? Can I help you?" Michael asked and the boy smiled widely, his dimples on show.

"No." He answered and Michael slowly walked down the gravel pathway that led from the sidewalk to his door.

"Um... okay..." Michael trailed off, biting into his apple slowly as he walked away. "Weirdo." He muttered to himself, turning around only to find the boy staring at him instead of his house.

He immediately turned around, his pace quickened as he walked down the new path. His heart was in his throat, feeling eyes boring into his back and shooting holes through his body. A shiver ran up his spine, chilling his bones as he crossed the street and turned a corner.

"Fucking... creep..." Michael whispered, shoving his hand into his pockets as he kept his gaze low and away from most people's eyes. He took another bite of his apple, sighing as he got the skin of it caught between his teeth.

"Today's just great..." He muttered, tossing his breakfast into a garbage before pressing his tongue between his teeth, trying to get the peel out from between them. "First I wake up late, then some weirdo is outside my house staring at the place, and now I have shit stuck between my teeth."

The entire walk to school was spent trying to pick the damn peel out of his teeth, but he soon forgot about it as he looked up at the brick building. It was old, vines growing along the brick with a few large trees in front of it. Two large double doors were opened in front, kids walking inside the building as a bell rang.

Even the bell sounded strange, an echo sounding after it rang. The steps to the school were dirty, chipped and cracked cement that made the school look like it was a million years old.

Suddenly, Michael was stumbling slightly, holding on to a metal railing for balance after someone pushed him roughly. "Fucking watch out." Someone snapped, a boy dressed in all black with a crowd of friends around him.

Michael rolled his eyes as the boy turned his back, mumbling about him being a spoiled prick. He pulled his bag over his shoulder and then finished climbing the stairs to the school.

Seven Devils // lashton/mukeWhere stories live. Discover now