chapter seven

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When they got to Michael's house, the kid stayed in his car as Michael got out. He wasn't fazed by anything, since a house was a house to him, but the boy in the driver's seat looked like he was shitting his pants. His eyes were wide and he gave off the vibe that he was afraid. What was there to be afraid of?

Michael turned around as he heard a garage door open, and he saw that one creepy neighbor walk out with a large shovel and a rake. They made eye contact, and Michael gave him a forced smile after he waved, deciding that he never wanted to talk to the man in his life. He was weird, and although Michael thought he was weird himself, this man was on a whole new level.

"Nice car, is it your's?" The guy across the street asked as Calum got out of his seat. "Is that your friend?"

Michael simply shook his head, throwing his bag over his shoulder and then turning to the douchebag he had to call his partner for a project. "You alright? We have a bathroom inside, no need to go in your pants." Michael spoke, eyebrows furrowed and eyes squinted as the sun hit them.

"This... This is your house? You live here?"

"Uh yeah?" Michael nodded, running his tongue over his dry lips. "Look, I know you probably live in some mansion but not all of us are privileged, alright? Some of our parents are broke and have student debt to pay off."

Calum didn't seem fazed at his insults, only slipping his backpack on and squeezing the straps as he nodded. "Alright... maybe we should go somewhere else." He decided, and Michael groaned.

"Listen, you just drove all the way over to my house and it's hot as freaking hell. We might as well just do it here." Michael huffed, and Calum turned to him, looking absolutely bewildered.

"Who do you think you're talking to like that?"

"Who the fuck else am I going to talk to like that? You're staring at my house like it's going to eat you and then spit out your bones." Michael retorted. "Monster House isn't fucking real, news flash."

"Your house?" Calum shouted. "That's Luke Hemmings' old house. He committed suicide in there!"

"Luke commit suicide? He wouldn't do that." Michael accidentally dismissed his idea, not knowing he was speaking aloud.

"As if you'd know, you're fucking new in town! Of course you wouldn't have known of Luke." Calum shook his head.

Michael looked around, finding the neighbor staring at the two with a hard gaze. It's like the old man who yells at you to get off of his lawn and calls the cops when you and your friends laugh too loudly. His eyebrows were furrowed and his mouth was pulled into a thin line.

"Get in the house." Michael shook his head, sending the man a glare before walking up to the front door. "Now, Calum."

"It's haunted -"

Michael had enough of his shit. Yeah, he's right, Luke's ghost roamed the halls and played with his things, but he knew Luke wouldn't harm him. The blonde was nothing to be afraid of.

"Listen," Michael spat as he grabbed Calum's arm. "My house is perfectly fine. No ghost, no nothing. The only downside is that creepy ass neighbor across the street who looks like he wants to kill us. Now get your fucking ass in that house, or I'll toss you into his fucking lawn, are we clear?"

His voice was stern yet quiet, a whisper that his neighbor surely couldn't hear. The last thing he wanted to do was give him a reason to believe they were talking about him. Who knows what he's capable of.

Calum was silent, and Michael was glad when he sighed and agreed reluctantly. "Thank you." Michael sighed and then looked around before heading up to the front door.

He pulled his keys out and then unlocked the door, letting Calum in first before shutting the it behind him. He locked it immediately, and Calum shifted awkwardly inside as he looked around. "Are you hungry? Thirsty? Shit, you look like you've seen a ghost." Michael asked, sighing as he realized Calum genuinely seemed afraid.

"No, I'm good. I can take a water though."

"I was being sarcastic, but sure." Michael rolled his eyes and then went to his fridge, grabbing a cold water bottle and then handing it to him. He took it and then opened the cap, only muttering a quiet thanks before letting his eyes roam over the furniture.

"Let's go to my room." Michael offered, walking up stairs with the boy trailing behind. He suddenly felt too tired and drained to continue being sarcastic and snarky to the kid, who was losing his wits by just standing in the house, so he shook his head and then ran a hand over his face to collect the sweat.

"I'll turn the A/C on. It's kinda hot in here." Michael offered, heading towards the switch and then flipping it to cool. He heard it turn on seconds later, and then he opened his door, carefully peeking in to make sure he didn't see a blonde kid on his bed.

Nope, he wasn't there.

He opened it wider and then let Calum in, but the boy was frozen in his place with the open water bottle pressed against his lips. His eyes were trained in one spot in particular, and Michael turned to see what he was staring at.

His razor blade necklace was floating in front of the mirror, then it began spinning like a toy around nothing. Of course Michael knew it was Luke, but Calum's didn't. He didn't know.

"M - Michael-"

The spinning stopped and the necklace fell on the floor silently. "What - It was spinning and no one was -"

Calum looked at Michael and then at the mirror, only to ran downstairs faster than Michael can blink. Michael didn't chase after him, he only sighed and made sure the door was locked before walking back up to his bedroom.

"I - I didn't know you had anyone over." He heard Luke's small voice, sounding shamed of himself.

"It's fine. He's just a partner for a project, so no one that important. We hate each other anyways." Michael murmured, laying down on his bed. "Are you on my bed?"

He soon saw the blonde, his invisibility failing so he can see him sitting on the edge. "Why are you so interested in that necklace?" Michael asked as Luke shifted in his spot.

"It's a very long and sad story..."

"My parents don't get home until later tonight and you scared my partner off, so we have plenty of time."

Seven Devils // lashton/mukeWhere stories live. Discover now