chapter six

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The class all chorused a groan and moan, staring at the board of their psychology class. He stayed silent, not quite caring about having a partner or having the teacher pick that said partner. It's not like he had friends in the class, so it's not like he was hoping for someone in particular. If anything, he was counting down the choices he'd absolutely hate.

If I get one of the two love birds in the corner having sex, I'm going to flip my shit, he thought as he subtly glanced at the couple who were disgustingly staring one another in the eyes while whispering and holding hands. Disgusting.

If I get that fucking loud mouthed prick, I swear to God that I'll purposely fail just so he doesn't succeed, his abusive thoughts continued, turning to find the kid who pushed him yesterday and decided to verbally attack him after school.

God, the things he'd do to him if he decides to open his fat mouth about him again. Michael doesn't know if he'd be able to hold himself back, and he doesn't know exactly if he would want to. He only worried about his parents being upset with him for getting suspended for a fight, since they have enough on their plates already.

His mind ran further and further, and suddenly he was even criticizing the teacher for dressing like a lonely middle aged woman who eats cold spaghetti while drinking boxed wine. He followed it up by deciding she also was the kind of person to buy knock off brands of designer purses or belts. Instead of reading MK on her bag, it probably read some shit like M.K for lawsuit reasons.

Yeah, she seems like that kind of woman.

Fuck, I'm an asshole, he shook his head at himself as he stared out the window. He could see heat waves in the distance, and he scowled slightly as he tapped his pencil on the table.

He saw a man out in the distance by the edge of the woods again, and he furrowed his eyebrows together as he watched him just stand there. He didn't seem to move. He just stood there and stared at something, whether it be the school or the woods.

He hopes it's not the school because he's the only one he'd see in the class since all the other desks were far away from the window. These entire rows were always empty, and maybe he understands why now. There's always some freak staring into the school.


He snapped his attention up to the teacher, who lowered her glasses on the bridge of her nose as she looked at him condescendingly. He nodded, and she shook her head at him. "Your partner is Calum Hood."

"Fuck no." He heard the one asshole complain and as much as Michael wanted to agree, he just kept his pokerface and his silence. "You want me partnered with that freak?"

"Maybe you guys will become friends-"

"Friends? With him? He's sitting in Luke Hemmings' seat and you think we can become friends?" That 'Calum' guy ranted, and Michael couldn't help the curiosity that overtook him as he look down at his seat.

Luke Hemmings? Was that the Luke he knows now as a ghost?

"You know that it's just a seat, Calum. It's just a desk." The teacher snapped, and the boy went silence and Michael began answering the questions he knew on the handout he was given earlier. "Your partner is Michael. I will not be changing it."

"Guess I'm working alone." Calum scoffed but the teacher wasn't having that either.

"It is a team project. You will work together or you're both getting a zero on this assignment. It's worth fifty perfect of your grade."

"Fuck." The kid groaned and Michael just sighed quietly, looking out the window as he wished the day would just end already.


"C'mon freak. We're going to your house for this stupid project." Calum spoke and then pushed past Michael, bumping his shoulder and causing him to stumble.

"Why my house?"

"Because I will not be caught dead at any bookstore around here or park." Calum's voice had the 'duh' tone that made Michael just want to punch the aggritating personality right out of him.

"Your house?"

"As if I want you to know where I live." Calum rolled his eyes as he grabbed his keys. "You better not have mud on your shoes."

"Yeah sure." Michael snorted at his uptight and prissy attitude. "What's next, your highness? Need me to sanatize my clothes? Bleach my skin?"

"Go fuck yourself." Calum spat and Michael shook his head, pulling out his phone to check what time exactly he was going to have to pronounce this douchebag dead.

2:47pm sounded about right.

"Are you coming or not?" Calum huffed, and Michael looked over at him as he stood by his car. "I need to pass this stupid ass class."

Michael let out a teasing humph before approaching him. "Well I don't, so don't piss me off or I'll fail us purposely." Michael smart mouthed him, sitting himself in the passenger seat before throwing his bag on top of his lap.

"God you're so fucking irritating."

"The feeling is mutual, now hurry up. The faster we get to my house, the faster we leave each other's presence." Michael rolled his eyes as he looked out the window. "You're getting on my nerves."

"Like you don't do the same to me." Calum muttered and then started the car. "Are you fucking thick? Put your god damm seatbelt on."

Michael clipped the belt and Calum pulled out of the school parking lot. "Where am I going?" Calum sighed, and Michael began pointing out the directions to his house. He didn't know the street name, so all he said was right, left, or straight.

"Fucking dumbass doesn't even know his own address..." He heard the boy mumble under his breath and Michael cracked his knuckles in an attempt to calm his nerves.

It barely worked, but did nonetheless.

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