chapter nine

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When he seen Calum the next day, the boy was staring at him with an unreadable expression. Not that he cared. He always stared at him. He blames his strange wardrobe and his dashing looks, as well as Calum's distaste for him just breathing, but somehow he's assuming that it isn't any of those reasons today. Something tells him it's about yesterday. Just a gut feeling.

Michael tries to ignore Calum's gaze in class, but it doesn't last long when the teacher announces they're heading to a computer class to work on the project with their partners. In fact, he nearly slips out to hide in the bathroom, but he doesn't because as much as he likes Calum having his mouth shut, he needs to explain what happened. Possibly make fun of him for nearly pissing himself too.

So he walks slower than everyone else, trying to keep up with Calum's sluggish pace. The teacher doesn't notice, if she does, then she must not care. Which in all honesty, he assumes she doesn't give two-shits about them or teaching them. She's probably only in it for the checks.

"Stop following me."

Michael looked at Calum after he spoke and then ran his tongue over his drying lips. "About yesterday -"

"We do not speak of it." Calum interrupted him abruptly. "Not one word."

"You pissed yourself and ran out screaming. Least you can do is let me explain why." Michael scoffed, folding his arms behind his head as they strayed further behind the class.

"Let you explain what? Your house is haunted by that geek's ghost? That you're a freak who - who wants to sit at every damn desk he did when he was alive? It's empty for a fucking reason." Calum hissed, stopping to turn and look at Michael. He had flames in his eyes, but Michael wasn't intimidated by the fire.

"Here I thought people were just homophobic idiots who carved into desks for fun." Michael forced a grin. "He's not a geek."

"You're fucking insane." Calum laughed, speed walking away from him. "You're fucking bonkers, kid."

"He's not going to kill you."

"Just stay away from me, you fucking weirdo. Talking to ghosts and shit." Calum shook his head. "Who even sits at desks that say 'faggot' and 'useless' in them? What kind of an insecure bitch do you have to be?"

"Me, who is clearly a useless faggot." Michael rolled his eyes as he shoved his hands in his pockets. "I'm not insecure either. I'm confident enough in myself to not care about stupid carvings in a desk."

He walked away from Calum and then sighed, deciding that maybe he should just leave the kid to think whatever the fuck he wanted. Why should he care? Would anyone even really believe him if he said he saw ghosts? Especially Luke's ghost? They'd think he's full of shit, which honestly, he is. Michael hates him.

He rolled his eyes, watching Calum slip out from the class right before they got into the classroom. Michael did the same, deciding he wasn't going to be doing all the work in his damn project. If Calum wants to fail then by all means, Michael won't lift a single finger for him.


"Oh, Michael, you never cleared out those boxes." His dad spoke as he walked into his room. Michael looked up from his laptop and nodded. "Plan on using the force on them sometime soon?"

"I got um... side tracked. I'll do it tonight, I swear. School's been... busy." He promised and he dad smiled.

"Actually, you can do it tomorrow. There's a lovely couple across the street who just invited us to dinner tonight." He countered and Michael sat up quickly. "He and his boyfriend are to die for, have you seen them? I wish your mom was that close to me still."

"I-I bet." He stammered. "Do we have to go? I mean, I don't feel too good and I have work to do."

"Of course you do. We're not a family without you, Michael." His dad reminded. "Plus, we spent all out money on moving trucks and new furniture. We don't really have money to buy anymore groceries and your mom and I are exhausted. Your work can wait. It's Saturday tomorrow anyways."

Michael mentally swore, but sighed and nodded despite his inner anger and fear. "Okay."

"Be ready by six." Daryl told him and Michael nodded, smiling as his dad close the door.

"Are you fucking kidding me?" Michael whispered as he fell back against his bed. He ran his hands over his face and then felt the bed dip beside him. "What does your psychopath boyfriend want?"

"Couple?" Was all Luke said. "He has another boyfriend? Really?"

"I mean... you're dead and us living men have needs-"

"He killed me." Luke snapped and Michael was too tired to start a fight with him.

"Okay. Yeah yeah yeah. Okay. Shut up. We all know that." He groaned as he rubbed his temples. "Maybe twink blood is what he lives off of. Some kinda gay vampire."

"Fuck off. You try being dead."

Michael's blood ran cold and he immediately hopped of his bed away from the selfish kid. "If only you fuckin' knew..." Michael mumbled as he grabbed clothes and threw them on the bed.

"Don't wear that."

"Don't tell me what to fuckin' do." He pointed at the blond and Luke rolled his eyes. "I'm showering. Be gone when I get out."


And when Michael did get out of the shower, he was gone, but the clothes on his bed were different and that dumb necklace Luke obsessed over was thrown with it.

"I fucking hate ghosts." Michael muttered as he looked around. "I'm dropping my towel. If you're here, fuck off unless you wanna see a whole lotta' dick."

He felt stupid saying it, but honestly, he was ready to just move again. He didn't care if Luke stayed in this house for all of his damned eternity and then some. It wasn't his problem because a house is a house, and this was not his home.

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