A Fight?

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Y/N your name
L/N last name
H/L hair length
H/C hair color
F/C favorite color
F/F favorite food
Italics are thoughts

More will be added on

(A few months later)

Y/N pov.

Its been good at the office Max got a girlfriend named cheese so now We say all the time Max and Cheese but he likes it, Ross and I have gotten really close, Adam and Alesa are having a baby boy, Oh and Heather finally opened up to me and now we're best friends and she has a boyfriend sadly I thought Max and Heather would get together my otp is ruined. But right now i am about to record a video so yeah.

"Hey guys YT/N here and we are playing with shubble newscapepro and unicomics." " Why is uni here" Cory said "Why is Cory here" Uni said "You guys need to stop fighting my god plus the reason Cory is here is because Jess had to cancel because she had to do a Mcd video and the reason Uni is here is because Nick zres nick refused to come when I said that Cory would be here now let me do my video and stop fighting in my videos!" I said you could tell i was mad. "Okay." They said in usion "now today we are playing GMOD MURDER MUAMUAMUA! Heh now i am the murder!"

(Mini time skip brought to you by ross's abbs!)

"And I won yes i cant believe it last round i was the murderer and I said i was right in front of uni then pulled out my knife and watched uni look at me with the gun in his hand then he points it at cory and just shoots him that's why i was laughing the entire round shelby haha!" I said "Oh my god Uni! Hahaha!" Shelby said laughing "Well guys that was gmod murder check out these weirdos channels in the description below and like and subscribe thanks for watching and I'll see you next-" "GET OUT I HATE YOU GET OUT!" Someone yelled." Who was that" they asked "i don't know umm I'll see you next time bye." I then ended the  video and got out of the chat. I then got up and followed the scream, it ended up at Heather's office Max was in there with Heather what is going on?

Heather's pov.

"GET OUT I HATE YOU GET OUT" I yelled at Max crying "Heather you know I care about you I love you~." He said then when I was about to tell him to get out again he kissed me on the lips."MAX I HATE YOU, YOU HAVE A GIRLFRIEND AND I HAVE A BOYFRIEND WHEN I TELL CHEESE  SHE WILL HATE YOU TO NOW GET OUT. I HATE YOU I HATE YOU I NEVER WANT TO SEE YOUR FACE AGAIN!" I yelled crying. He was shocked and he was about to leave but then stopped when i whispered "go to hell." I guess he heard me. Because he turned back towards me a little and it looked like he was on the verge of crying but i didn't care i never want to see his face again.

Rough chapter huh in this book the reason max left was because of this and some things will be happening next chapter.

566 words

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