Double Date

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By the way tell me certain things you might want in the story and I might add it.

Y/N pov.

I was filled with joy when Ross told me how he felt but honestly most was a blurr but I knew what he said because I felt it in his heart. "Ross I feel it in our hearts we are meant to be together." I said happy "I know, I love you Y/N." Ross said

Oh my god that was so sappy that I'm gonna throw up.

Garroth- you must puff your feathers to not just make her yours but rid her of guys trying to make her theirs!


Reader- to late.

Me- Shut up, now back to da story.

Time skip brought by garroths feathers

Still yo pov.

I went home and texted heather.

-Y you, -H heather.

Y- guess what!?!

H- what?

Y- Ross asked me on a date!


thats actually a lie my otp with ross is mithross. Its meh screensaver. Hey I may be emo but I am like that on the outside on the inside im a girly girl.

Y- And Ross was going to make it a double date so we wouldn't be so nervous and called adam and alesa but they had to cancel since they couldn't get a babysitter. ;(

H- I'll do it! Me and austin can go with you and ross so then it'll be a double date!

Y- REALLY! :^)

H- really. Plus it leaves me and you able to go shopping together.


H- I know.

H- bye. :p

Y- ttyl! ;) <3

H- <3

Heather left the chat.

Okay now to find the perfect dress.

so next chapter the date will happen tell me any ideas you want to happen on the date i was thinking of makeing a disaster happen plus im going to let you choose yo dress and yes your going to wear a dress don't fight it and if you leave just because of a dress then thats yo own fault. But I will choose 4 dresses that I like and you will vote on which dress is worn but if you want to you can change the colors of the outfit but yeah I will label from 1 to 4 and you will vote, which ever dress that has the most votes will be worn and I sorry that this is short I am really tired but after I post this I will look up dresses to choose from and post that aftarwards and thank you sugeminer because I think you read thus or something idk but if im right and you are reading the comment what you want me to do I will draw anything for you and create a side story for you because is you are reading this then you are my first reader so thanks :p but anyways baii

502 Words

-Heather~chan out-

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